Original Boozefighter slams new clones

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by another viewer, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. the History channel had a program on Sunday night, History of the
    Motorcycle, that has been on a few times before. The program included
    some interviews with original members of the Boozefighters, the folks in
    Hollister, CA in 1947 who were the models for the Wild Ones movie with
    Brando and the infamous Life magazine article of that era tha created
    the outlaw image, etc.

    I hadn't really noticed this part of the interview previously, but one
    of the original Boozefighters put a pretty good slam on the clone
    Boozefighter club in Ft. Worth, saying that the new group wasn't living
    up to the agreement that let them use the name and the original folks
    weren't too happy about things with the new group.

    Thought it interesting and if anyone watches the History channel, the
    program will likely be run again and to watch for that part of the show.
    another viewer, Aug 9, 2004
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  2. another viewer

    fullstate Guest

    I'll have to try to catch that. I read my motorcycle mags fairly
    regularly and one of the things that one of the columnists was just
    complaining about is how tv only shows one side of biking. I'd like
    to catch that history show about motorcycles, I bet it would be


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Aug 9, 2004
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  3. newp. Boozefighters was one of the originals, just post WW2. they
    really weren't a 1% outfit either, they were one of the original groups
    of ex-GIs that formed a club. the 1% thing came later and I don't
    think I would put the Boozefighters in that category. the Hollister
    riot scene was totally fabricated by the media (imagine that). check
    the History channel scheduling and catch the program, it's worth the
    watching, about 2 hours long with lots of good history to it that covers
    many different aspects of m/c, not a fluff piece like some of the other
    programs they will do on bikes.
    another viewer, Aug 9, 2004
  4. sure do, and it wasn't 'merkin either. They knew what the real
    performance bikes were back then, just as folks do now.

    that same manufacturer forced the moco to come up with the sportster
    because the big twins were such dogs in comparison and even then the
    sportster wasn't up to the task.
    another viewer, Aug 9, 2004
  5. another viewer

    The Family Guest

    Brando rode a Triumph as I recall, but I don't recall what Lee
    Marvin was riding. They all probably had sound tracks of
    Harleys though. I think Marvin might have been riding a Harley.
    Maybe a 45 incher, with a suicide clutch.<g>

    I recall a recent viewing of a Hawaii 5-0 series, where a young
    girl(Linda Perl(sp?)) was riding a Yamaha 100 twin. She was
    mostly on LSD, but you could see long shots of the bike. How-
    ever, the sound track was that of a much larger 4-stroke twin.

    The Family, Aug 9, 2004
  6. another viewer

    Bownse Guest

    Booze Fighters are still around. More than one rider's funeral I've been
    to has had members in colors attending.
    Bownse, Aug 10, 2004
  7. another viewer

    Bownse Guest

    Triumph of course.
    Bownse, Aug 10, 2004
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