Orgami morotcycles...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by AssBeef, Dec 19, 2003.

  1. AssBeef

    AssBeef Guest

    AssBeef, Dec 19, 2003
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  2. AssBeef

    flashgorman Guest

    And here's one I made earlier : monster dark/immagini/r1.jpg

    Note the use of liquorice for that realistic tyre look
    flashgorman, Dec 19, 2003
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  3. AssBeef

    Rexx Guest

    Rexx, Dec 19, 2003
  4. AssBeef

    Sorby Guest

    ITYM 'years'.
    Sorby, Dec 19, 2003
  5. AssBeef

    Slider Guest

    Possibly the Gingiest Ginge since Gingy the Gingerbread Man got *Ginged* on
    a Ginger Bun.

    4 years FFS, can't people use Google?
    Slider, Dec 19, 2003
  6. AssBeef

    flashgorman Guest

    Rubs chin thoughtfully. So anyone who started mooching around here less than
    4 years ago might well have never seen the original post and would have to
    find it by (for some reason) deciding to search through google for origami
    flashgorman, Dec 19, 2003
  7. AssBeef

    Slider Guest

    flashgorman wrote:

    HTH In May Nick thought that it "May be a Ginge".
    Slider, Dec 19, 2003
  8. AssBeef

    flashgorman Guest

    Yebbut *if* it had been posted only once, four years ago, would the OP have
    still taken a battering?
    flashgorman, Dec 19, 2003
  9. AssBeef

    Slider Guest

    flashgorman wrote:
    Probably; what do you think this is, a sewing circle? People get flamed for
    no reason here, it's just the way it works. :)
    Slider, Dec 19, 2003
  10. AssBeef

    christofire Guest

    Yes. The group has been around since around 1995. There's a fair bit
    of posting been done. There's an archive on the net that's easy and
    quick to search.

    Therefore, it's not unreasonable to ask that if you think you've got
    something hilarious to share you might take a minute to have a quick
    google for it.

    Therefore, the OP is still an unfunny wannabe, and someone should go and
    ginge slashdot.
    christofire, Dec 19, 2003
  11. AssBeef

    darsy Guest

    darsy, Dec 19, 2003
  12. AssBeef

    flashgorman Guest

    But supposing you do google for it and find it was posted once in 1995. It
    would only be a ginge to people who (a) are still posting after eight years
    and (b) can remember that far back [1]. To quite a lot of people it would
    not be a ginge.

    [1] ie not Champ.
    flashgorman, Dec 19, 2003
  13. AssBeef

    deadmail Guest

    Why do people give so much of a **** about this? I've been hanging
    around here for some years and it's rare that I waste time following
    links in the first place, 'specially if it's a "funny" post.
    Or maybe people could just give up giving a ****? More bandwidth gets
    wasted on whining than these links.
    Well, I wouldn't disagree with this bit but it doesn't really need to be

    Is it just me, or do the 'ginge enforcers' all seem to be relatively
    recent posters?
    deadmail, Dec 19, 2003
  14. AssBeef

    Les Goodwin Guest

    Les Goodwin, Dec 19, 2003
  15. AssBeef

    Champ Guest

    Heh. My memory for stuff that happened 8 years ago is probably better
    than for last weeks events
    Champ, Dec 19, 2003
  16. AssBeef

    mups Guest

    mups, Dec 19, 2003
  17. AssBeef

    Slider Guest

    The R1s on that site have a little more substance.
    Slider, Dec 19, 2003
  18. AssBeef

    christofire Guest

    You theory isn't borne out by the amount of ginge-ing that goes on round
    here. Nice try though.
    christofire, Dec 19, 2003
  19. AssBeef

    christofire Guest

    I'm not whining in this instance, I was explaining why people bother
    doing it. I, like you, rarely visit such links. I don't really give a
    stuff about bandwidth, it's the time it takes to wade through the
    threads that I'd like to see go down. If ginge-ing helps to keep posted
    material new then I'm for it, but I won't loose sleep over it.
    christofire, Dec 19, 2003
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