Open Season

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Darren Robinson, Oct 1, 2006.

  1. Right. Let's make this clear, I'm laying myself open to some of the
    worst possible crap that a person can take on this group. I don't
    care. I've been through it, and there's nothing - and I mean NOTHING
    - that you CUNTS can say that can possibly make me feel any worse than
    I feel right now. Porl? Drop dead, and I mean that in a nice way.

    I've been on Fluoxetine (Prozac) for the past 3 months. I haven't
    attempted suicide, but I have given the matter some degree of
    consideration - let's face it, on a bike it's only a twitch of the
    bars, not a major operation. My relationship has gone down the pan
    recently, although I saw it coming - we just weren't compatible
    long-term. My job pisses me off, for reasons that would get me a P45
    if I made them public. I just can't handle the shit that's going on
    right now, it would take me ages to post it all and most of you would
    killfile me anyway, deservedly so as it's nothing really compared to
    some of the stuff I've read here over the past 5 years or so. Yes,
    I'm pissed right now, I'll feel a lot worse in the morning but that
    will go away. I don't care. **** it. **** you all. I've had
    enough, and I'm going to do something someone will regret. Hopefully
    not me. Let's see where we end up.
    Darren Robinson, Oct 1, 2006
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  2. Darren Robinson

    entwisi Guest

    Was prescribed this shit myself a few years ago(wifey had miscarriage
    after years of trying, life/work generally shit, felt everything on top of

    I choose not to go down that line and to just sort my head out away from
    work etc.

    I was told by one email

    "you see life in small slices, you really don't know what the future
    slices have to offer, they may be shit but they may also be cake."

    We now have a beautiful daughter and work may very well be one the up,
    (awaiting interview but work generally a shit loads better since I told
    them I wouldn't deal with the shit again)

    You just don't know what life has in its bountiful basket to throw at you.
    Keep your chin up and remember we tend to have very short term views of
    life, tomorrow is always another day

    try to stop thinking so neg and get out there and enjoy life, even if it
    fucks up your finanaces. Go and fulfil your dreams, you can always pay it
    back or at worst, go bankrupt! :eek:)
    entwisi, Oct 1, 2006
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  3. Darren Robinson wrote
    Sounds like you are on the wrong pill. Three months after being on
    antidepressants I was skipping down the road playing with the sunbeams
    and being nice to dogs, children and old ladies.

    Mind you 18 months after that I was on a slab having a quad bypass so it
    wasn't all good.

    See you are feeling better all ready.
    steve auvache, Oct 1, 2006
  4. Darren Robinson

    porl Guest

    I already regret reading this far, if that's any help.
    porl, Oct 1, 2006
  5. Darren Robinson

    Tunku Guest

    You just need a fucking good kick up the arse, not the mealy mouthed
    touchy feely shite I've just seen.
    Fucking get on with it, life does not owe you a favour. I'm tempted to
    use the only good quote I've ever seen from those tossers over the
    water, the merkins. "life is not a practice run".
    Tunku, Oct 1, 2006
  6. Darren Robinson

    Eiron Guest

    You want to give up all the drugs, including caffeine and alcohol,
    and take up a sport. It doesn't matter which sport, as long as it's
    judged on skill and fitness rather than style. That will make a man
    of you and stop all this maudlin crap.
    Mens sana in corpore sano etc.
    Eiron, Oct 1, 2006
  7. Darren Robinson

    Dan L Guest

    Go see your doctor ASAP and


    They aren't working.

    Dan L (Oldbloke)

    My bike 1996 Kawasaki ZR1100 Zephyr
    Space in shed where NSR125 used to be
    Spare Bike 1990 Suzuki TS50X (Patio Ornament)
    BOTAFOT #140 (KotL 2005/6), X-FOT#000, DIAABTCOD #26, BOMB#18 (slow), OMF#11
    Dan L, Oct 1, 2006

  8. Can I have your Bandit?
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 1, 2006
  9. Darren Robinson

    BGN Guest

    While working at the Samaritans for several years it was decided that
    motorcycle was a good form of suicide (Life insurance was likely to
    pay out still and stuff like that) but quite unreliable. I spoke to
    one gent who tried to find a soft tree to dent who didn't snuff it, as
    expected but now is unable to move so can't even throw himself off a
    bridge and can't get to the medicine cabinet either, or stick his head
    in the oven or other traditional ways (I would avoid gassing yourself
    as the house is likely to go boom along with anyone near it too) but
    I'd take a long look at your current situation before you make any
    firm decisions.

    I have suffered from bipolarity for many years and don't wish to make
    the assumption that you do the same. I will make the assumption that
    your life works in slices and that you're not seeing into the distant
    future and that troubles at home, money and suchlike are issues. If
    part of the problem is money related then contact and
    they'll manage your debts for you. If home is a problem then impose
    upon a fellow UKRMer for a week or two and just dissapear. Give your
    rellies a call if you want to, just so they know where you are
    otherwise you'll have your visage stuffed in the local papers and when
    you're back again everyone will think you're a freak.

    Also: Life is shit, but does have less shit moments but you've got
    blinkers on at the moment.

    I assume you've got the Sams number handy anyway, but 08457 90 90 90
    is there 24/7 - ask them to call you back if you want.

    Perhaps you just need a good screw in addition to some of the above
    BGN, Oct 1, 2006
  10. Darren Robinson

    BGN Guest

    What's a 28 day section like these days?

    Mind you, if he goes voluntarily he'll just have a freebie holiday.
    BGN, Oct 1, 2006
  11. Darren Robinson

    Jackie Guest


    Anyone know if Darren's phone number still ends in 9036?
    Jackie, Oct 1, 2006
  12. Darren Robinson

    Jackie Guest

    Well you will be pleased to know he is still alive- very hungover,and
    not remembering much, but still with us...
    Jackie, Oct 1, 2006
  13. Darren Robinson

    TMack Guest


    Fluoxetine/ Prozac works well for many but some people don't get on well
    when taking it and may actually feel worse. Get urgent medical advice NOW
    and don't hide how bad you feel when talking to the medics. Don't drink
    alcohol, it will definitely make things worse. Don't assume that your
    current situation is your own fault. Endogenous depression is an illness
    NOT a choice - it is a treatable illness. The current treatment isn't
    working so go back and INSIST on an alternative. Whilst you may need
    medication (NOT your current meds) for a while, you could also consider
    trying to get some cognitive behavioural therapy, which can be very
    effective in helping to develop longer-term strategies.
    TMack, Oct 1, 2006
  14. Darren Robinson

    Baldrick Guest

    I find tennants super in large quantitys works for any illness, be it
    back ack, broken legs or depression! give it a go, ever seen a local
    wino who gives a shit?
    Baldrick, Oct 1, 2006
  15. Darren Robinson

    deadmail Guest

    Gosh, you're a really funny guy.

    Did you think that up all on your own?
    deadmail, Oct 1, 2006
  16. Darren Robinson

    Monz Guest

    ....has anyone heard from him since :eek:)
    Monz, Oct 1, 2006
  17. And that has to be framed as a truly sensible and helpful reply. (Not that
    some of the others weren't, but it says it neatly.)

    Alison Hopkins, Oct 1, 2006
  18. Darren Robinson

    BGN Guest

    That's likely to be the correct answer, but you also forgot the short
    term benefits of having a good old anonymous screw.
    BGN, Oct 1, 2006
  19. Darren Robinson

    Jackie Guest

    oi you old tart, give me a buzz on MSN at some point, haven't had a
    natter for ages
    Jackie, Oct 1, 2006
  20. Darren Robinson

    Jackie Guest

    Darren- mate of all the offers of help you have received, I think
    turning gay isn't the answer ;)
    Jackie, Oct 1, 2006
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