
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Tom, Mar 14, 2005.

  1. Tom

    Greybeard Guest

    Not if the guvmint have their way. We won't be allowed to ride long enough
    to evolve. But, we will probably become immune to MRSA or extinct because of
    it, or many other things as they keep us so well wrapped in cotton wool we
    won't have an immune system left ;o)
    Greybeard, Mar 15, 2005
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  2. Tom

    Greybeard Guest

    Taa Loz, I'll give 'em a try.
    Greybeard, Mar 15, 2005
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  3. Sadly, I can't argue with you there.
    Whinging Courier, Mar 15, 2005
  4. Tom

    Greybeard Guest

    did you get your grips sorted on bike? Still got the Angle Grinder here
    revved and ready should you need it ;op
    Greybeard, Mar 15, 2005
  5. Grips, yes. Fixing them properly, no.

    I don't know if I'm ever going to be up your neck of the woods again.
    I'd say I'll come up but my head will be swerving towards going to see
    the ex and I don't think that's a good idea. I even had to give away a
    ticket to Venice because I could think of no one else I'd rather go with
    Whinging Courier, Mar 15, 2005
  6. Tom

    Greybeard Guest

    Ah, right. Sorry to hear about that mate :eek:(
    Well, you know whereabouts I am if you're ever up this way again.
    Greybeard, Mar 15, 2005
  7. Life can be a bitch, but that's only because I'm here through the
    choices I've made.
    Well actually, I don't know where you are. I only ever met you up the
    Whinging Courier, Mar 15, 2005
  8. Tom

    Greybeard Guest

    Hhmm true, I tend to spend more time there than at home tho'! ;op

    I'm about 3 miles from there, and that's my local!!
    Greybeard, Mar 15, 2005
  9. Tom

    Lozzo Guest

    Greybeard says...
    My local is 100 miles away at Hulland Ward in Derbyshire
    Lozzo, Mar 15, 2005
  10. Tom

    Greybeard Guest

    Helluva cab ride home! what!!
    Might see ya there again in a couple of weeks, and thanks for the info on
    Phoenix, made arrangements for them to fix the lid when I can get it to
    cheers mate.
    Greybeard, Mar 15, 2005
  11. I know someone who bought a Driver FF from J&S about 3 years ago so
    still selling stuff. It was IIRC £29.99 and perhaps overpriced ;-)
    Boots Blakeley, Mar 16, 2005
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