My bit for the used Pan Euro values, that is. They should be hitting rock bottom just about ... now. Of course the inevitable happened. As mentioned here before, I noticed that there was a spacer missing from the drive unit (the bit that connects the wheel and the bevel drive). So I phoned Dave Silver, as you do, to order said implement before its absence could do any more damage. It's a bit critical to have said spacer in there, as its absence can damage both the wheel and the bevel drive unit (well, the teeth in there that hook up said drive unit) so I decided to keep the bike off the road until I got the spacer. The first warning bell should have sounded when the bloke at Dave Silver's couldn't find said spacer on the microfiche. It didn't, he eventually found a spacer in this general area that I duly ordered. Unpacking it this morning, one look confirmed that it most definitely wasn't what is missing. So off I go to the local Honda emporium in the hope that I could find someone there who could make sense of my description. Fortunately for me, amongst the blokes behind the counter was one of the mechanics, and he knew exactly which part I was after. He also confirmed that this particular spacer can fall out occasionally. But he couldn't find it on the computer either. After a bit of head scratching and consultation with another mechanic, he offered the bad news - Honda was only selling it as part of the drive unit. Which is mucho moolah. And he cheerfully confirmed that I really shouldn't be using the bike unless I wanted to replace the bevel box in the forseeable future. He gave me the number of a breaker who might have Pan parts in stock, though. Anyway, it appears the damage is: - the drive 'connector'. - the cush drive, which wants new rubbers - the bolts on the plate that holds the cush drive in The connector alone costs about 130 quid, plus I'm not sure that I can get the bolts for the cush drive retention plate out as their heads have been partially worn away. Great. Any UKRMers crashed their Pans recently and have the above bits left over? Arse. Things are getting a bit worrying if the only bike you can use (partially due to the weather) is a GT380... Ho hum, my glass is half full. But that's mostly because someone appears to have pissed in it.