
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Cane, Oct 14, 2005.

  1. Cane

    Cane Guest

    Apparently the guy was really nice about it but as the old man was
    caught "bang to rights" he wasn't in a position to do the old "next
    time... I'll nick you Granddad" routine.
    Cane, Oct 14, 2005
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  2. Cane

    Cane Guest

    Cane, Oct 14, 2005
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  3. Cane

    Buzby Guest

    PS: Any advice for him?

    Buzby, Oct 14, 2005
  4. Why wasn't he done for assault, rather than under the RTA? FFS.
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 14, 2005
  5. Well.... when I got nicked for a similar speed, a long time ago, the RAC
    fronted for a free brief - not to get me off, but to try and stop a ban,
    or get the ban period shortened.

    It worked - I got one month off the road.

    These days they take a dimmer view, so my guess is two months and £400,
    if he's lucky.

    We should open a book on this, really.
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 14, 2005
  6. Cane

    serf Guest

    "Think yourself lucky you wern't on the A154 then."
    serf, Oct 14, 2005
  7. Cane

    serf Guest

    Don't you mean on the hard shoulder of the M25?
    serf, Oct 14, 2005
  8. Beav wrote
    "But I already have a certificate that says I am sane."
    steve auvache, Oct 14, 2005
  9. Cane

    Linger Guest

    Gives new meaning to the Kula Shaker song;
    "You can find your way home on the 303"
    Linger, Oct 15, 2005
  10. In, serf amazed us all with this pearl of wisdom:
    No comment.
    Whinging Courier, Oct 15, 2005
  11. In, Beav amazed us all with this pearl of wisdom:
    Yup. I got banned at around this time of year and came out into the
    sunlight at around April. I was still one of the most miserable six
    months[1] in recent memory mind...
    Really? How's that work then? I /really/ don't want to have to buy MCN.
    Just seeing the fucking thing on the stands at garage forecourts wells
    up a feeling of anger inside me.

    [1] Not just for me but for everyone around me.
    Whinging Courier, Oct 15, 2005
  12. Cane

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    Why do you hate MCN that much? I know there's a lot of bullshit in it
    but I often buy it to read the race reports and it's not all bad.
    Andy Bonwick, Oct 15, 2005
  13. In, Andy Bonwick amazed us all with this pearl of
    In all honesty it's probably a mixture of peer pressure, buying the
    thing and having not much to do with it other than look at the pictures
    and knowing it will be a waste of money.

    I last bought it when I was despatching so that was probably a year or
    so ago. It took me about 10-15 minutes to read from cover to cover and
    with the exception of the "snippet" bits at the sides of the pages,
    there was nothing in it that held any interest for me whatsoever.
    Whinging Courier, Oct 15, 2005
  14. Cane

    deadmail Guest

    Now this makes my blood boil.

    He shouldn't be driving again and should have got a custodial sentence.

    I really hope he gets the crap beaten out of him.
    deadmail, Oct 15, 2005
  15. Cane

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Ben Blaney, Oct 15, 2005
  16. Cane

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    It serves a purpose if you want to look at what's available in both
    the new and used markets but once you've got past that aspect and the
    race reports it's not really up to much. I still can't see how a few
    crap reports and a heavy dose of guesswork can make someone actually
    feel angry.
    Andy Bonwick, Oct 15, 2005
  17. Cane

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    I'd agree with disappointed.
    Andy Bonwick, Oct 15, 2005
  18. Cane

    Linger Guest

    I did the same this afternoon in his honor.
    Linger, Oct 15, 2005
  19. Cane

    serf Guest

    Bugger. Commiserations.

    Where did you get the Pan from?
    serf, Oct 16, 2005
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