Online parts vendor (old Honda electrical)

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Puddin' Man, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. Puddin' Man

    Puddin' Man Guest

    It appears I need an ignition pulse-generator assy replacement for '87 CBR600.

    Can anyone help with some kind of recommend for a good, reliable online parts vendor?


    "I Ain't Blind, I Just Don't Wanna See"
    - the title of a tune by Little Joe Blue, maybe 1966
    Puddin' Man, Aug 30, 2008
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  2. Puddin' Man

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Helps to know which part of the world you're in but over here in the UK,
    we tend to use David Silver Spares for that sort of stuff. You still
    have to pick up the phone, though.
    Timo Geusch, Aug 30, 2008
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  3. Puddin' Man

    Puddin' Man Guest

    I am in midwest US. Apologies for the omission, I've been peering at
    too many whacky multimeters.


    "I Ain't Blind, I Just Don't Wanna See"
    - the title of a tune by Little Joe Blue, maybe 1966
    Puddin' Man, Aug 30, 2008
  4. Puddin' Man

    Puddin' Man Guest

    Thanks once for the recommend.

    Thanks a second time for looking up the part. The servicehonda site wants
    to install software on my pc, take over my pc, log me onto theirs, all
    very much new to me.

    The #8 and #9 is something of a mystery. I dragged out the p-g that I
    replaced back around '96: it looks identical to either in the parts
    diagrams. And #8 and #9 have the same part # on many diagrams. To
    my knowledge the bike only needs one p-g assembly (having 2 elements).
    A tiny mystery that I will investigate.


    "I Ain't Blind, I Just Don't Wanna See"
    - the title of a tune by Little Joe Blue, maybe 1966
    Puddin' Man, Aug 31, 2008
  5. Puddin' Man

    Puddin' Man Guest

    *Sounds* like a good idea. :)
    Oh, I'm well aware of that. But my local processes were inaccessable
    until I disconnected from their system. So it -looked- like ...

    I'm used to using a terminal emulator or somesuch to log onto a
    server, where the emulator is just another accessable process on my pc.
    Switch back and forth.

    I saw no instructions on usage of their interface. Is it an MS/DOS
    applcation? So I rambled around a while, found a part or 2. Couldn't
    match-up the prices.

    I 'spect if you are used to it, it works fine ...
    Thanks. I have #8 (30300-MN4-013).

    It's strange. Some sites will list 30300-MN4-013 twice. Still others
    will list 30300-MN4-013 and 30300-MN4-003:

    Service Honda is the only one I've seen listing 30300-MT6-730. looks inaccessable yesterday and today (Sunday 08-31).

    Typically takes about a week to get parts from Service Honda?


    "I Ain't Blind, I Just Don't Wanna See"
    - the title of a tune by Little Joe Blue, maybe 1966
    Puddin' Man, Aug 31, 2008
  6. Puddin' Man

    Puddin' Man Guest

    Sufficiently cryptic, but good to know.
    I didn't even know I had the remote software on my ancient W2k sp4
    system. And I refused the recommended active-x load (install no
    software recommended by unknown vendors): Spybot said it was trying
    to fiddle my registry. But it worked (or part of it did). Takes some
    getting used-to.
    Thanks. That was my intent all along, always start with online
    pricing. I dunno I could pay good money for such part without I (or
    a parts-guy) could ohm-test it per Honda specs whilst still in the
    box (b/c no returns on elec. parts).


    "I Ain't Blind, I Just Don't Wanna See"
    - the title of a tune by Little Joe Blue, maybe 1966
    Puddin' Man, Sep 1, 2008
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