online furniture people

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Adrienne M Jenn, Jan 13, 2004.

  1. Adrienne M Jenn

    Ace Guest

    Never seen any in there - is it physically a different shop from the
    main bit or summat? And daft I may be, but a bint I ain't?
    Ace, Jan 14, 2004
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  2. Adrienne M Jenn

    darsy Guest

    Let's get this clear - we're talking about "John Lewis", that's across
    the road from Waitrose and the Carpet Shop, near the main shopping
    centre in Welwyn Garden City?

    Furniture is on the 2nd floor. In fact, the whole of the 2nd floor is
    furniture. And there's some bathroom-type furniture on the 1st floor.

    Or is one of us going mad?
    darsy, Jan 14, 2004
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  3. Adrienne M Jenn

    darsy Guest

    sorry, I'd got you mixed up with Adie[1].

    [1] you both have the same hair, for a start.
    darsy, Jan 14, 2004
  4. Adrienne M Jenn

    Ace Guest

    Me probably. I've been there a few times but never noticed any
    Ace, Jan 14, 2004
  5. Adrienne M Jenn

    darsy Guest

    I would suggest that in fact, you've never been to the 2nd floor of
    JLP in Welwyn. Seriously, there's nothing but furniture (and Customer
    Accounts) on that floor, and it's the same footprint (roughly) as the
    1st floor were the wimmins clothes and bathroom/carpet stuff is.
    darsy, Jan 14, 2004
  6. Adrienne M Jenn

    Ace Guest

    You're quite possibly correct, although it's more likely that I'd have
    gone up, found that whatever I was looking for wasn't there, and
    completely ignored what _was_ there. That's proper shopping, that is,
    know what you want, look for it, buy it, walk out without noticing
    what else there was.
    Ace, Jan 14, 2004
  7. I didn't like their shop much when we'd gone down to Lakeside to pick
    up one item (and didn't even need to go through the shop to find it,
    just went straight in via the exit to the warehouse) to be told that,
    as the only item in store that was not at floor level, we had to wait
    4 hours until the store closed, so that they could get the forklift
    out 'without injuring anyone'.

    I mean, 4 hours in fucking Lakeside! Ugh!
    Power Grainger, Jan 14, 2004
  8. Adrienne M Jenn

    Champ Guest for an evil multinational pharma company, associated with
    Triumphs - easy mistake to make
    Champ, Jan 14, 2004
  9. Adrienne M Jenn

    petrolcan Guest

    ...both had Bonwick on their bike..
    petrolcan, Jan 14, 2004
  10. Adrienne M Jenn

    darsy Guest

    ....short names that start with "A", mincing walk, can't wheelie...
    darsy, Jan 14, 2004
  11. Adrienne M Jenn

    Cab Guest

    On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 12:12:15 +0000 (UTC), "Dr Ivan D. Reid"
    <> bored us all completely to death with wittery
    prose along the lines of:

    Ah, but over here, at least, they'll deliver whatever you want, for a
    price. (How do you flat pack a sofa, come to think of it?)

    It even says in their shops, "No one offers free delivery, neither do
    we. Pay us enough and we'll do it".
    Cab, Jan 14, 2004
  12. Adrienne M Jenn

    Klaatu Guest

    Is it (****) pine ?
    Klaatu, Jan 14, 2004
  13. Not sure who should be more worried. Adie, Ace or Bonwick...
    William Grainger, Jan 14, 2004
  14. Adrienne M Jenn

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    No it's made of metal , quite trendy looking too actually. Would be nice if
    it were 5' or more wide.
    Zobo Kolonie, Jan 14, 2004
  15. Adrienne M Jenn

    darsy Guest

    *definitely* Bonwick.
    darsy, Jan 14, 2004
  16. Adrienne M Jenn

    Anne Jackson Guest

    I have friends who furnished their entire (second) home from Ikea, and
    it's excellent stuff! I reckon you can't get better quality at the price.
    Anne Jackson, Jan 14, 2004
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