One of Our's

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Nov 5, 2003.

  1. Exactly. Ford and GM both make mediocre vehicles. I can't for the life of
    me understand what makes folks buy 'em, other than some misplaced sense of

    When American brands include great vehicles, I'll buy 'em. Until then,
    I'll stick with Japanese or German brands, and not worry about where
    they're assembled.

    (I loved when Chevy was calling the Camaro the "Heartbeat of America"...
    its final assembly point was in Canada.)

    Albert Nurick

    '97 Honda Pacific Coast
    '93 Honda Helix
    '87 Honda Helix
    Albert Nurick, Nov 6, 2003
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  2. The corvair is what made ralph nader famous. As GM defended the product,
    ralph nader showed his independent testing that proved that the "covair was
    unsafe at any speed". Thanks to the general attitude of car manfacturers at
    that time, we now have the safety crats of today. Also we have a perfected
    risk analysis program that shows the actual dollar a human being is worth as
    compared to the corporations profitability.
    When it comes to car manufacturers you just pick your poison, because if you
    think any one of them do it for you, your a fool. They make recalls because
    if they don't the feds will force it on them if enough complaints come thru.
    If you want to check out complaints and or recalls then go to this site...

    There you can check on a vehicle complaints and recalls.

    DFW Chapter TMRA2

    anti-spam: remove the 9 to send me email
    Elmer McKeegan, Nov 7, 2003
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  3. Bill Walker

    StephG Guest

    Actually, the Corvaire was never that bad. The problem was, people didn't
    know how to drive a rear engine car, and the same type of accidents were just
    as common among VWs and Porsches where were being driven too fast around

    American drivers were confused by independent rear suspension and no
    understeer washout.

    Problem was, at the time, VWs and Porsches weren't selling in the US in the
    huge numbers American cars did in the US, like the Corvaire, and GM had
    deeper pockets.

    Of course, in the late 60s Nader could have sued VW for the same thing after
    they sold massive amounts of them. But he'd already played that tune and had
    other fish to fry.

    What he did was destroy what was America's one opportunity to make a sports
    car that was evolving to be the equal of those being imported from Europe.
    StephG, Nov 7, 2003
  4. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I wouldn't drive some ragged crap from a corporation which was built
    solely from slave labor who's a race of people where some went to
    death camps and others built machines. BMW has been the worst of the
    corporations over the years to deny any responsibility for their
    actions. They've even stopped short of claiming their corporation was
    a "victim" in many instances.
    No. You have it TOTALLY WRONG. GM was calling Chevy "The Heartbeat of
    America". That went for their trucks, Impalas, Luminas and so
    on...including the Camaro line.

    And for the record, a large number of the trucks and almost all the
    Impalas/Caprice cars are built in the US. Many of them are built in
    Arlington. Don't you remember Ann Richards saving all those thousands
    of jobs in Arlington when the ragged piss ass Republicans were sobbing
    about having to lose their jobs/homes/families? Then they turned right
    around in the next election and held signs high and proud supporting
    Bush. They should've called those cars "The Heartbeat of
    Arlington"...even though many of those loser bastards forgot very
    shortly after what they almost lost. I'll bet the one's up north
    didn't forget what they DID lose.
    Brian Walker, Nov 7, 2003
  5. Bill Walker

    Artie Turner Guest

    But you have no problem driving something from the people who bombed
    Pearl Harbor and collaborated with the Germans during the same time
    period. Interesting.

    Artie Turner, Nov 7, 2003
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Go home "troll"... drive what you want to.. Just don't try to spread your
    one way bullshit to the public..
    Bill Walker, Nov 7, 2003
  7. Bill Walker

    Artie Turner Guest

    You mean "one way bullshit" like that you and Brain spread with a
    shovel, hypocrite?

    Artie Turner, Nov 7, 2003
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Nope.. I mean your "trolling" attempts to contribute to a "flame" war that
    doesn't go anywhere, you counterfeit ****... that's your style .. Since my
    statewide election as Grand Wizardly Moderator on this group.. some changes
    have occurred.. Nobody gangs up on anyone (which you seem to favor).. We are
    all (for the most part) bikers.. Now and then, you wannabe's drift by and
    troll into a "flame war".. My message to you is.. your content will be
    scrutinized by the committee I will select and if found to be in conflict
    with my "edicts" which I issue, you could be "cancelled" from the group..
    Shall I commence the selection of that committee ?? Or would you rather
    contribute to this group, constructively.. Your choice..

    Your Grand Wizardly Moderator in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 7, 2003
  9. Bill Walker

    Artie Turner Guest

    Hey, your kid made a gratuitous insult of BMWs...

    Since my
    I didn't "gang up" on anybody (since it takes at least two to have a
    gang) and I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy in Brian's comment. I
    didn't resort to obscenities either.

    We are
    This is the problem: This is a Texas motorcycles newsgroup, there's no
    rule that says who can contribute, and there's no accepted definition of
    who's a biker other than the general definition of someone who rides a

    My message to you is.. your content will be
    Yeah, that's hysterical, Bill. Despite your little fantasy, this is
    still an unmoderated newsgroup, and your powers of cancellation are "zero."
    Please, scutinize all you want and tell me what constitutes
    "constructive." You seem to think that anyone who disagrees with you or
    points out flaws in your thinking is not being constructive.

    So, I'll continuie to post when and what I want, and you can play
    Wizard. How's that?

    Artie Turner, Nov 7, 2003
  10. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Nah.. your choice of words was something like "hypocrit".. Obviously, I call
    them the way I see them.. I referred to the little "ganging" up episodes you
    engaged in, just over a year ago..
    Not usually a problem until some troll surfs through ..

    This is a Texas motorcycles newsgroup, there's no
    That is correct.. Wanna contribute, you are welcome.. Wanna flame someone,
    you will be confronted.. Your choice.. Engage or disengage..

    Ah well.. could say lighten up, but obviously, that would be lost..
    Ok then.. I will challenge you again, as I did before, you counterfeit
    asshole.. Fight, **** or run a foot race...Again.. your choice..
    Nothing of the kind.. Your kind of gang banging flame throwing is not
    constructive.. Many on here, resent it.. I am one of those.. If I don't like
    you (which I don't).. I'd much rather discuss it man to man and eye to
    eye.(I have also done that, many times.) Not on this newsgroup.. That wasn't
    your style over a year ago and still isn't, it would seem..
    You can count on it.. I'll confront you each time you start your "flaming"
    bullshit.. So.. how's that...phony biker..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Nov 7, 2003
  11. Bill Walker

    Artie Turner Guest

    So you really think calling someone is a hypocrite is "flaming?" huh?
    OK, Bill tell me what distinguishes us "phony bikers" from a "real"
    bikers like you. Then I'll concede that you truly are the Grand Pooh-bah
    and you can rule the 20 or so "real" bikers who "frequent" this NG.

    Artie Turner, Nov 7, 2003
  12. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Still don't get it do you ?? Nah.. not my job to educate some wannabe.. You
    either are or you're not.. FYI.. don't rule anybody, don't want to.. I told
    you before, I detest a bully.. I despise a coward and a phony.. And I won't
    stand by while a crew beats up on someone.. I am consistent.. That was true
    then, and it's true now.. The humor of the Grand Wizardly Moderator thing,
    obviously escapes you.. That's OK.. you know me well.. 'nuff said..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Nov 7, 2003
  13. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    See, there's a big difference between one where responsibility was
    accepted and restitution made and another where there was none.

    Ford Motor Company collaborated with the Germany Nazi party during the
    same time.

    Please go learn your history and then come back to debate this
    issue...if you feel there's something to debate. At this point though,
    you have zero clue.
    Brian Walker, Nov 7, 2003
  14. Bill Walker

    Artie Turner Guest

    Uh, huh. The point I was trying to make is that if you want to get
    really Politically Correct over which brand of bike to ride, riding your
    Honda is not THAT different from riding a BMW that you seem to despise
    so. WWII was over a long time ago - why the grudge, why the
    German-bashing? And what's Ford got to do with choice of motorcycles?

    Artie Turner, Nov 7, 2003
  15. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Why keep baiting and trolling... Who freakin' cares ?? Wanna argue about
    some silly shit.. Meet me over at Strokers and let's do it..
    Bill Walker, Nov 7, 2003
  16. uh, why don't y'all take it outside
    i can't hear the damn jukebox over the racket.

    and don't knock over any of the bikes or there will be hell to pay.

    oh, this isn't rmh?

    fuggit, take it outside anyway.


    '73 R75/5 Toaster (not for sale)
    '99 R1100RT (in use)
    '00 FLHRCI (sold!)
    Iron Butt Assoc, WATR 3X, EIEIO, AEIOU etc blah blah
    another viewer, Nov 7, 2003
  17. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well now... read my post's to this clown.. I've been trying to get it
    somewhere else, all day.. Git'im AV.. I ain't gettin' through to him..
    Bill Walker, Nov 7, 2003
  18. Bill Walker

    Waco Guest

    Didn't the French have some kind of motorcycle they produced?
    I heard it only went in reverse tho.
    Waco, Nov 8, 2003
  19. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    You're totally wrong. We're not just talking about WWII and being a
    long time ago. We're talking about companies who spent their entire
    existance in denial of any of the wrong doing they've done.

    Honda didn't build their company from slave labor on the backs of a
    race of people who either built the machines or were killed. Yamaha
    doesn't have vehicles that are dangerous and instead of making the
    wrong right again, they decide the deaths are cheaper than
    repair...and if anyone says anything, they'll just blame a part maker.

    If you want to talk about "German-bashing", and compare to's one for you...Germany has never made a single
    reparation to any of the victims of their extreme tortures to their
    own people. Japan has made reparations. The US has made reparations.
    BMW and Volkswagen (as well as Porsche and Mercedes) were built solely
    on slave labor and have never considered compensation to the victims
    of their actions. When even asked for compensation, BMW (for one) has
    taken a position of being a "victim" themselves. When Ford is
    approached about problems with their vehicles, they take the same
    stance and even go so far as to insist that the people bringing the
    incidents up are only doing so out of "mean-ness".

    I wasn't talking solely WWII when I was talking about Ford and BMW. I
    was talking (and still am) about their constant stance on issues time
    and time again.

    Once again, I would urge you to go seek higher learning in the
    educational field of historical interests if you wish to continue.

    <that was a really nice way to say "go read a book and come back when
    you know what the **** you're talking about">
    Brian Walker, Nov 8, 2003
  20. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Hey fuckwit, don't get this one confused. You popped in here with your
    ignorant shit where you don't know what you're talking about. Now when
    someone else goes a different direction, you want to drag me back into

    You're just a stupid bastard. I was trying to treat you with some sort
    of dignity/consideration (although I don't know why) and you pop off
    with this crap? **** you "AT".
    Brian Walker, Nov 8, 2003
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