The varlet known as SteveH did proclaim to all assembled: OK, its a pic of you, the bike and a roadsign written in gibberish..... WOT??
The varlet known as SteveH did proclaim to all assembled: Not grumpy at all, its just so much shite - like anything else those 2 have any input into. No originality and just plain unfunny.
I fail to see how you can claim there's no originality in it, it's totally off-the-wall, a little bizarre, but most of all, it's bloody funny.
SteveH wrote in I got progressively less amused as the series went on. Originality dwindled. It became repetitive rather than developmental. They need to find some new characters and situations if I am to be a regular viewer of any future series.
It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the I find it very patchy - some funny, some crap, but the endless repetition of the crap stuff is really dull. -- Dave GS 850 x2 / SE 6a SbS#6 DIAABTCOD#16 APOSTLE#6 FUB#3 FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19 COSOC#10
SteveH wrote in That is one element, yes. Jokes based on stereotypes are rarely funny. UKRM proves that surely? However, I have more trouble with the faux disabled bloke joke & fat bird in the swimming pool jokes. As FJ says "just plain unfunny". This type of sketch show is supposed to surprise & offend. It does neither: it is almost as formulaic as an episode of "Are you being Served".
Good point. Well, the faux disabled bloke was only funny a couple of times, the fat bird in the swimming pool (Vicky Pollard, ISTR) is a pretty damned good interpretation of your average teenage chav - hasn't worn thin on me yet. I suppose the problem is that a sketch show will always have a limited life unless you've got a constant turnover of characters - but if you do this, then each episode will be a stand-alone production rather than a series. What I'd hate to see is them flogging the same characters for several series AKA Harry Enfield.