One for the climate change sceptics

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lady Nina, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Lady Nina

    TMack Guest

    "Stolen emails". One might also wonder why those determined to undermine
    the CC hypothesis were prepared to break the law - and were seemingly well
    equipped to do so and very effective at covering their tracks.
    TMack, Jan 29, 2010
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  2. Lady Nina

    CT Guest

    CT, Jan 29, 2010
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  3. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, TMack
    Well, you could argue a "public interest" defence, given the refusal to
    supply data.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jan 29, 2010
  4. Interesting article. And well placed arguments. My point is still can
    we afford to take the chance. The author of that article says "we
    don't know what is causing the rising". And then goes on to say it
    can't be CO2. For me, I'm inclined to take the conservative option and
    assume it does, until we can be sure that it is not the cause.

    It's like the Y2K bug which a lot of people thought was a dud. No, it
    wasn't a dud. We got warned and did something about it. A few systems
    went down, but because we had the warning we fixed what _might_ have
    been a potentially catastrophic situation. We had chaos here in
    Orstralia on New Years day when one of our major banks' computers
    jumped from 2009 to 2016 instead of 2010. Everyone's cards wouldn't
    work as they were perceived by the system to be out of date. It was
    our mini version of Y2K.

    Of course our computer models aren't perfect. And maybe it isn't CO2,
    but I'm prepared to pay extra taxes to eliminate it as a possibility.
    As we all had to pay for the tech changes on Y2K (admittedly on a
    vastly less expensive scael).
    Kevin Gleeson, Jan 30, 2010
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