tallbloke wrote[QUOTE] Might it not end up with the unwieldy nature of the federal US of A with all the regional deprivation and so on that goes with blanket wide area economic policy?[/QUOTE] Who knows. Certainly if we continue to allow it to be run by appointed committee rather than elected ones we are in for a very unpleasant future. However Brussels is such a well provisioned gravy train that it is going to be very difficult to change things unless we get a lot more proactive than we appear to be. [QUOTE] Here's my plan. We cut loose from Europe, then we tell Mr Bush where he can stick his special relationship, nationalise all american owned assets in the UK and send his troops and spies home. We turn all the USAF bases into trackday and sprint venues with cheap to rent hangar space for small engineering startups, rebuild our engineering base and produce wicked world beating motorcycles again, and hyper efficient wind gennys and solar collectors. We send all the politicians and royals to Jersey, then cede it to France. After all the set aside land is back in production of our own home grown nosh, we kill the turkeys and have a big knees up. Voila, huge morale boost for all, booming artisan/agricultural lively local economies safely linked to real products, happy peeps with fast bikes, and not a speed camera in sight.[/QUOTE] Gets my vote.