On topic - new bike-related experience

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Jérémy, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. Jérémy

    Jérémy Guest

    Considering where I'm posting, this may be pretty mundane to a lot of
    you, but it was new to me, and it is at least on topic, so here goes....

    In the interest of staying on good terms with the neighbours, one of
    whom proposed the idea, I attended the motorcycle event at Douvaine on
    Saturday. It was pretty much as you'd expect, or at least as I expected
    - a celebration of fat slobdom and truly ghastly facial hair, terrible
    rock bands (funny to hear them singing in approximate english), random
    americana, and merguez-frites. It was majority Harley, but not

    Funniest moment: there were some kids demonstrating wheelies, stoppies,
    and smoke generation, and there was a chap who was very proud of his
    bike and wanted everyone to look at it rather than the kids. So he
    parked his bike right in fromt of them and revved the shit out of it.
    Since he seemed to have replaced the silencers with loudeners this sent
    the audience rushing for cover with their hands over their ears, but
    they came back to watch the stunts so he did it again. This time it
    stopped abruptly and a couple of little metal disks and a spring or two
    rolled out from underneath it. He looked quite upset, but strangely I
    think I was the only person who laughed. Maybe I'm not polite enough to
    be a biker rebel.

    Strangest observation: the whole thing was incredibly well organized and
    good-natured. We all went off for a bimble around the countryside in a
    big procession of about 2-300 bikes, and in 46km of traffic disruption
    we saw nothing but smiles and waves, no mishaps (except a half-ton of
    chrome and turqouise paint, carrying two people and a dog, that briefly
    capsized on a hairpin bend) and not a single policeman. In fact the
    whole day the only police we saw were on the way there, a couple of
    gendarmes on bikes stopped beside the road, who may have had nothing to
    do with the event. Would this happen in the UK?

    Random philosophical musing: normal people have a sex life, but that is
    obviously out of the question for people so hideous as the majority of
    the attendees. Is this what they do instead?

    Thank you. I will not be getting a blog.
    Jérémy, Jun 29, 2009
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  2. Jérémy

    dog Guest

    you didn't mention anything about lots of stalls selling hippy shit, tattoos
    and piercings, and warhammer 40000 die cast pewter hobgoblin soldiers. so it
    can't have been a proper french motorcycle event.
    dog, Jun 29, 2009
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  3. Jérémy

    Jérémy Guest

    You're quite correct; I was just trying to keep it short. It was indeed a
    proper french motorcycle event.

    Although it wasn't really hippy shit. It was more a sort of cross between
    neo-nazi and american redneck shit.
    Jérémy, Jun 29, 2009
  4. Jérémy

    dog Guest

    dog, Jun 29, 2009
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