It's been well over a month since I swung a leg over El Guapo (doing the daddy chauffer thing), but I did it today. Had to go do some FMLA paperwork and attend a monthly meeting to bitch/moan about stuff to VP types. So, I fired up the bike, cuz he needed some TLC. I remembered to prime the carbs first, but it didn't start up! Oh no! Not really a technical problem. Just stupid me forgot that cold bikes need the choke! Duh. Choke on, punch the button, and go. God I love new(ish) Japanese iron. Anyway, a few burnouts in the driveway (hey, it's legal now in Texas ;), and we're off. He got rained on while I was parked outside today (not my usual garage space). Oops. Oh well. Took care of that layer of dust that was making me look bad, anyway. Man, I love to ride. Cagers are idiots. Well, I hear a diaper needing changing so... Charles