Old photos

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by Naqerj, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. The message <>
    from (Frinton Boy) contains
    these words:

    Frinton Boy? I went to school there for a while.
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 26, 2006
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  2. Naqerj

    Peter Guest

    There's posh. Stadium helmet Mk-whatever in grey with added white
    plastic visor, black plastic flash removed and a sticker or two. Still
    in the garage. And imitation ex-WD "combat jacket". Blanket-lined. Zero
    proofing of any sort. Stood up quite well to the inevitable falling-off
    on corner that tightened.
    Peter, Feb 26, 2006
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  3. Had to keep clean, in a three-piece suit, so the Bleak Ponce was the
    dog's^H^H^cat's whiskers, being fabric-backed PVC or similar and with
    plenty of room. the legs even went over the tops of wellies, which i
    found useful when I got a proper motorcycle.
    Later, my Stadium Project 4 certainly saved my life. After three months
    in hospital the first thing I bought was another one. My mother went
    spare! She thought I'd have learnt my lesson and would give up
    I always rather admired the almost ankle-length trenchcoats worn by old
    combo-riders, but never managed to acquire one.
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 26, 2006
  4. Naqerj

    Frinton Boy Guest

    I was with 30 Sigs myself. However, as I was born in '66 I
    doubt your father and I crossed paths...!

    Frinton Boy, Feb 26, 2006
  5. Naqerj

    Frinton Boy Guest

    Prolly not changed much. In fact I believe that Frinton has
    never changed, it's a bylaw or something...!

    Frinton Boy, Feb 26, 2006
  6. Naqerj

    Lozzo Guest

    Frinton Boy said...
    If you go to the Royla Corp Museum on camp there are some huge photos
    taken in the 50s and 60s of guys working on telephony systems up poles
    etc, and laying land cabling in. Most of the ones taken in Malta and
    Cyprus were taken by my dad as he was the unofficial regimental
    photographer for about 10 years. My uncle Tony served with my dad in
    Malta, and he appears in more than one of the large photos on display.
    Lozzo, Feb 26, 2006
  7. The message <>
    from (Frinton Boy) contains
    these words:
    It must have changed for the better - I'm no longer at school there. I
    doubt if the school exists now - it didn't deserve to.
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 26, 2006
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