Old Joke

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Cane, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. Cane

    Cane Guest

    An 86 year old man walked into a crowded waiting room and approached
    desk.... The Receptionist said, "Yes sir, what are you seeing the
    for today?"

    "There's something wrong with my dick", he replied.

    The receptionist became irritated and said, "You shouldn't come into a
    crowded waiting room and say things like that."

    "Why not? You asked me what was wrong and I told you," he said.

    The Receptionist replied; "Now you've caused some embarrassment in this
    room full of people. You should have said there is something wrong with
    your ear or something and discussed the problem further with the Doctor
    in private."

    The man replied, "You shouldn't ask people questions in a room full
    strangers, if the answer could embarrass anyone. The man walked out,
    waited several minutes and then re-entered.

    The Receptionist smiled smugly and asked, "Yes??"

    "There's something wrong with my ear", he stated.

    The Receptionist nodded approvingly and smiled, knowing he had taken
    advice. "And what is wrong with your ear, Sir??"

    "I can't piss out of it," he replied.

    The waiting room erupted in laughter.

    Mess with seniors and you're gonna lose!
    Cane, Dec 1, 2006
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  2. Cane

    sweller Guest

    Has the captain of British industry been mixing with Americans? Stop
    it now.
    sweller, Dec 1, 2006
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  3. Cane

    Cane Guest

    How awful. I didn't notice that.
    Cane, Dec 1, 2006
  4. Cane

    Cane Guest

    Indeed. Thankfully the convicts are on the decline now that the Iron
    Curtain Niggers are doing all the bar work.
    Cane, Dec 1, 2006
  5. Cane

    porl Guest

    You're trying waaaaay too hard these days.
    porl, Dec 1, 2006
  6. Cane

    porl Guest

    ....and why would she ask for details knowing that he was already lying
    as per her instructions? When has any receptionist asked for details,
    come to that?

    It's a stupid joke.
    porl, Dec 1, 2006
  7. Cane

    Cab Guest

    Is the correct response.
    Cab, Dec 1, 2006
  8. Cane

    Cane Guest

    Cane, Dec 1, 2006
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