Oiled after storiage

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by serbo, Mar 7, 2006.

  1. serbo

    serbo Guest

    I have a Yamaha Venture 84 and this year I've stored it outside on thi
    cold winter in Quebec.

    One of my friend told me to pour some oil in sparkplugs holes befor
    starting first time this spring : to prevent humidity scracthing ring.

    Someones of you ever done that !

    Some says its even better to do it before storage

    Is there anyone of you living in a cold area and have done this before
    serbo, Mar 7, 2006
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  2. yes: if set for very long times like 3 months or more. i will use a little
    oil and gas mix. and put about 11/2 or 2oz in each cyl.. just to wet them
    so they wont be dry on start up.
    yes do it before you store it
    Remember to change that oil, dont use oil that is used for cars. not good
    for clutches. a very good alt is rotela 15w 45 its been tested to be a very
    good motorcycle oil. im runing it this year and see how well it does in my
    Good Luck
    ROBERT MILLER, Mar 7, 2006
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  3. serbo

    LJ Guest

    It's a good idea to do that in any event as it helps distribute the oil
    LJ, Mar 8, 2006
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