oil level

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Jessie James, Aug 15, 2003.

  1. Jessie James

    Jessie James Guest

    Can someone please tell me whether the dipstick has to screwed in all the
    way, or just sat in the top to check the oil level on a 1992 honda cbr900rr
    TIA Reg
    Jessie James, Aug 15, 2003
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  2. Jessie James

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Jessie James" wrote

    This has been argued here before with many opinions and quotes from

    The truth is, it really makes ****-all difference.

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 15, 2003
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  3. Jessie James

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Normally with Fireblades the dipstick sits on the seat (or on a seat nearby bullshitting about how many track
    days he's done).
    .....hope that helps....
    Knobdoodle, Aug 15, 2003
  4. Jessie James

    Moike Guest

    Well, on my bike, it needs to be measured with the dipstick not screwed in.
    If I screwed it in, then I would be putting about a litre less oil in it. I
    suspect that might make a difference.

    Moike, Aug 15, 2003
  5. Jessie James

    sharkey Guest

    Damn! Beaten to it by those damn Dohertys again!

    sharkey, Aug 15, 2003
  6. Jessie James

    TB Guest

    Cue theme music
    TB, Aug 15, 2003
  7. Jessie James

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Moike" wrote
    And what would the difference be?

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 15, 2003
  8. Jessie James

    sharkey Guest

    Speaking of which, are you in Melbourne yet?
    Also, I think your surname is disappointingly short, considering.
    'T' had better stand for something pretty amazing, given that
    you informed me at Karuah that you were called TB because your
    full name was 1023 syllables long ...

    -----sharks (I could have got away with it if it wasn't for
    those damn kids^WDohertys^Wbeers!)
    sharkey, Aug 16, 2003
  9. Jessie James

    Knobdoodle Guest

    "T" is short for "Thousandandnineteensyllables".
    Knobdoodle, Aug 16, 2003
  10. Jessie James

    conehead Guest

    about 0.8kg?
    conehead, Aug 16, 2003
  11. Jessie James

    Moike Guest

    When I've topped it up, the equivalent of riding with the oil at the bottom
    of the recommended range. If it gets much lower? I'd rather not find out.
    I just assume there is some reason for those recommended oil levels.
    Something to do with adequate cooling and lubrication perhaps?

    Moike, Aug 16, 2003
  12. Jessie James

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    The difference in the Guzzi, which holds 3.5 litres, is less than half
    a litre. Helen's bike only holds 2 litres.

    Interestingly, in the early '80's Moto Guzzi decided to do something
    about the oil cooling and fitted a deeper sump (added a sump spacer
    actually) but continued to use the same dipstick so had more oil in
    the sump. This caused some foaming (of the oil, and subsequently the
    rider) resulting in blowing it out the rear (breather). They fixed
    this problem by remarking the dipstick about a litre lower.

    As long as there is oil in the sump and it is above the pump pick-up
    point there is no real problem. I would suggest there would be less
    than a half litre in the sump at that point and indication would be
    off the bottom of the dipstick.

    I don't feel the need to be anal about the oil level being within 5 or
    10 mm of an arbitrary point.

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 16, 2003
  13. Jessie James

    sharkey Guest

    "Do not screw them in when making this check."
    -- Honda XLV750R workshop manual.

    sharkey, Aug 16, 2003
  14. Jessie James

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "sharkey" wrote
    How many are there?

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 16, 2003
  15. Jessie James

    John Littler Guest

    With all due respect, while that may be true of Guzzis it very much will vary
    bike to bike. Depending on whether it's wet sump or dry sump, the design of the
    pickup points the level in a flat shallow container varying a couple of mm is a
    lot more crucial than the level in a narrow deep container.....big difference in
    liquid volume, whether that delta in volume matters depends of course.

    John Littler, Aug 16, 2003
  16. Jessie James

    conehead Guest

    Do they screw in from above or below?
    conehead, Aug 16, 2003
  17. Jessie James

    sharkey Guest

    Depends on which way up the bike is.

    -----sharks (five, if you count sump drain plugs ... and hey, if
    the sump plug is dry, you _really_ need oil ...)
    sharkey, Aug 16, 2003
  18. Jessie James

    sharkey Guest

    Yeah, dry sump. One in the top of the frame oil tank, and another
    in the sump. God only knows why. The level in the engine never
    changes, and the level in the tank varies so wildly you just can't

    sharkey, Aug 16, 2003
  19. Jessie James

    TB Guest

    Been in Melbourne for a while now, since late July. Haven't got the bike yet
    though. Called up to arrange transport for it and seems it wont happen till
    next week and I can't afford to fly up and ride done...

    '99 GSXR600
    '88 CBR250R
    They called me Basnayake Wasala Mudiyanselage Tharanga Basnayake, but I
    think TB's easier...
    TB, Aug 18, 2003
  20. Jessie James

    Steve Strik Guest

    The ZX-6R is like that. On the side stand, no oil, eeeeek. Try and
    hold bike vertical while looking in window, oil appears (yay). Put
    bike up on centrestand, no oil in window. How level the group is and
    how steady you can hold the bike up has a big influence on the level
    showing in the window (at least on my bike).


    Steve Strik, Aug 18, 2003
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