Oh Toggykins

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Linger, Dec 7, 2003.

  1. Linger

    Linger Guest

    I need a valuation of my blade.
    I chucked it on ebay for silly money and chanced it.
    I don't want to pay silly money and advertise it on bike trader for it to
    sit there all spring.
    I'm gonna advertise it about Februaryish but need to know a rough value now
    for future budgeting plans (Dirt Bikes going cheap)

    1998 S plate
    Candy Orange
    8000 miles, FSH.
    Fantastic condition.
    UK spec Spanish import.

    Come on then hit me with it.
    Linger, Dec 7, 2003
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  2. Linger

    Slider Guest

    For what it's worth, I wouldn't bother with Bike Trader. If you get to the
    stage where you would, use MCN[1] Bikemart instead and it'll shift much more

    [1] I know, I know.
    Slider, Dec 7, 2003
    1. Advertisements

  3. About 3k. UK spec or not, the parallel import leaves a scar.
    The Older Gentleman, Dec 7, 2003
  4. Linger

    Linger Guest

    Swat I thought

    Ta very much
    Linger, Dec 7, 2003
  5. Linger

    Linger Guest

    I've always found the opposite to be true.
    MCN were a waste of space last time.
    Linger, Dec 7, 2003
  6. Linger

    Slider Guest

    Linger wrote:
    When I advertised my Thundercat I posted the same ad to BikeMart and Bike
    Trader. I got one phone call from BikeTrader and 15 from BikeMart. This
    was a direct comparison with no differences in the ads. I dare say it may
    be down to region (as BikeMart is national, and Bike Trader has several
    regions), but I know which one I'll use when I sell the R6.
    Slider, Dec 8, 2003
  7. Linger

    flashgorman Guest

    The one that only shows pictures from one side?
    flashgorman, Dec 8, 2003
  8. Linger

    Ben Guest

    According to a close friend who was Biketrader's circulation manager;
    Biketrader is national, it's only car Autotrader that's regional.
    Ben, Dec 8, 2003
  9. Linger

    Linger Guest

    Fair enough. As it happens a few of my mates had the same experience as me
    with MCN.
    I actually sold the Tengai with Loot! Nice free ad.
    Linger, Dec 8, 2003
  10. Linger

    Slider Guest

    F-nar :)
    Slider, Dec 8, 2003
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