Oh, so it wasn't all about oil after all, then...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by JackH, May 3, 2005.

  1. JackH

    JackH Guest


    "LONDON (AFX) - Chancellor Gordon Brown again defended Prime Minister Tony
    over Iraq today after Blair was blamed by the widow of a British soldier
    yesterday killed in Iraq for the death of her husband."

    It goes on to then say further down:

    "Brown, speaking on BBC television, said the government had acted in the
    national interest.

    "We believed we were making the right decisions in the British national
    interests," he said."
    JackH, May 3, 2005
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  2. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, JackH
    See, I have a problem with this whole thing.

    When the Brave, Brave Tommy signed up for the army, it really should
    have crossed his mind that there was a potential for him to get a tad
    shot, or mildly blown up.

    It would have been nice if he'd explained this to his wife.

    Which could have saved the "grieving widow and children" all that posing
    for press photos.

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets
    and Ducati Race Engineer.

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, May 3, 2005
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  3. JackH

    JackH Guest

    Aye, it was Mr Browns comments with regard to the Governments motives for
    the whole fireworks display in the first place, that I was passing comment
    on, as it were, not some family finding out that soldiers get paid all that
    money to see the world, for a reason.
    JackH, May 3, 2005
  4. JackH

    Hooligan Guest

    I considered joining the forces myself, a long time ago. The risk of
    getting killed I could appreciate. It was the fact that you might get
    killed fighting in a war you didn't think you should be fighting that
    gave me a problem.

    Still, I doubt they'd have had me..

    Doesn't help having Quaker parents.

    John (jsp)

    SV 650
    Black it is
    And Naked
    Hooligan, May 3, 2005
  5. JackH wrote
    And so it was. All that live action advertising footage the Beeb so
    kindly broadcast for free of British made weapons in use has done no
    harm at all for certain parts of our manufacturing and export
    steve auvache, May 3, 2005
  6. JackH

    ogden Guest

    # Daddy-waddy died in the Falklands...
    ogden, May 3, 2005
  7. JackH

    Lozzo Guest

    ogden says...
    Lozzo, May 3, 2005
  8. JackH

    ogden Guest

    ogden, May 3, 2005
  9. JackH

    Lozzo Guest

    ogden says...
    Fucking soap-dodgers
    Lozzo, May 3, 2005
  10. JackH

    Dan White Guest

    Must be handy when you run out of porridge though.
    Dan White, May 3, 2005
  11. JackH

    Christofire Guest

    I have to admit, the thought crossed my mind as well. "I'd like to
    join the army, only not get shot at and not have to be in any danger
    whatsoever. I've got a note from my mum."
    Along the same lines, what did she think a soldier would be doing as
    part of the job? Meeting up with tinkers, tailors and sailors for a
    jolly good chinwag every day?
    Christofire, May 3, 2005
  12. JackH

    Lozzo Guest

    Christofire says...
    It's an attitude so many forces wives have nowadays, even the longer
    standing ones. Their complaint is that the British Forces shouldn't
    have been there in Iraq in the first place, and Tony Blair is
    ultimately responsible for any deaths amongst our forces. Had the war
    been a legally justified war then I'm pretty sure there wouldn't have
    been the fuss that's being made.

    I'm with the dead guy's family on this one, Blair - imo - has their
    blood on his hands.
    Lozzo, May 3, 2005
  13. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Lozzo
    On what do you base your assertion that the law was not legally
    justified? The Attorney General seems to think that it was.
    He was a squaddie. Squaddies die in wars, police-actions and
    peace-keeping. If they've got a problem with that, then they should
    leave the army and stop taking the salary. Families whining about it
    after the fact is a bit fucking late.

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets
    and Ducati Race Engineer.

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, May 4, 2005
  14. JackH

    wessie Guest

    Lozzo emerged from their own little world to say
    wessie in "agrees with Lozzo" shocker

    Steve Bell has Blair in the image you portray as a running theme in his
    Grauniad cartoon.
    wessie, May 4, 2005
  15. JackH

    mups Guest

    Lozzo says...
    "ours is not to reason why..."
    mups, May 4, 2005
  16. JackH

    Lozzo Guest

    Wicked Uncle Nigel says...
    The whole WMD farce and Blair's insistence on kissing Bush's arse on
    all matters to do with the Middle East and terrorism.

    Our attoney general had many doubts about the whole thing right up
    until the last minute, and you can bet your arse he was pushed into
    giving the go-ahead on a loophole in the law.
    Our forces are a national defence force, hence the change of name from
    War Office to MoD in the 60s. They are not an international police
    force, except when on UN duties. Iraq was not and is not a UN
    operation, it is an act of aggression against another country under
    false pretences. Iraq did not constute a threat to anyone with any WMD,
    the USA and UK govts lied to make it appear that they did, with the
    sole intention of removing a man from power. I'm sure the people of
    America would love it if a similar sized force entered their country
    and did the same.

    I don't have any problem at all with our troops giving their lives in
    justified conflicts or wars, but when a man sends our troops to war on
    a lie or to back up a redneck idiot like GWB, then I do have a problem
    with it.
    Lozzo, May 4, 2005
  17. JackH

    Lozzo Guest

    mups says...
    I don't agree. And that comes from an ex-serviceman who would quite
    happily have gone to war in defence of his country. What Blair sent
    those troops to do is not what soldiers, sailors and airmen join for.
    Lozzo, May 4, 2005
  18. JackH

    platypus Guest

    The attorney general's advice seemed to boil down to "You /might/ get away
    with it, if you're very lucky and no-one challenges you." If Blair read it
    as "Fine, no problem, go right ahead", then he's too stupid to be PM. If he
    understood what was being said, then he should be in jail.
    platypus, May 4, 2005
  19. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Lozzo
    They join to follow the orders of their commanders.

    Actually, that's not true. They join because the recruiting posters show
    them skiing, swimming, surfing and generally having a wonderful time
    whilst getting paid.

    The first time someone shoves a gun into their hand *should* constitute
    a clue.

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets
    and Ducati Race Engineer.

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, May 4, 2005
  20. JackH

    Lozzo Guest

    Bear says...
    Which is why the forces are losing all their good people and having
    major trouble finding decent recruits.

    I know 4 young people who've recently applied and been selected for
    training. One of them has trouble reading and has no qualifications to
    speak of, she's been selected to join the Royal Artillery. Not only
    that, but her selection sergeant has suggested she applies for officer
    training. He reckons she'll easily get selected. Not to put her down
    too much, but she's as thick as pig-shit. The Army are that desperate.
    Paras aren't trained to think, mainly because they are physically
    incapable of it. Why do you think they join the paras and not some
    other regiment?
    Lozzo, May 4, 2005
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