No I'm not a whale, or a bowl of petunias, but I'm beginning to understand why the whale said that! :) I am, yet again, on an emergency waiting list for another op to whip out a broken IM Nail and put something in its place. Yup, metalworks given way again and legs broken. Thought it was a bit more painful [1] than normal the past couple of months and I've been having to take a lot more painkillers. This time I think I'll be going to Oxford where there's a guy there who deals with problem cases where bones just aren't healing, as mine isn't. Too much damage to the blood supply round it the people at MK hoppytail say. Honestly, I really do want to resume life, go back to Italy, see Team UKRM racing, go see the NEC show, FOTs, etc, .... And I *must* offer a *HUGE* apology to Entwisi as I've still got the bloody FBOTY award in the back of my car. Yes, I'm fucking useless. As is my body at healing. Anyway, now I've finally given up struggling to work and back I have the time to go and get it engraved and posted. I hope no one bins it for many months in 2004 so the poor guy gets to keep it for a while. Sorry Mr Twisle. [1] I've just had enough energy to work and eat and recover at weekends doing as little as possible. frag