[QUOTE] And what is offensive about gypsies?[/QUOTE] Have you ever done business with Gypsies? I have, and it's not pleasant. [QUOTE] Historically, palm reading and curse removal has been, and still is their stock in trade. Oh, bodywork, driveway sealing and roofing as well...[/QUOTE] Don't call me a "racist". Gypsies are the same Indo-European race as me. Gypsies started off in India and became mercenaries in an army in western Asia. When the war was over, they didn't return to India, but kept heading west. They arrived in western Europe around the time of the Crusades. They told a story about how the terrible Turks were overwhelming a country called "Little Egypt", and they claimed that they were the descendants of the pharoahs and they needed money to raise an army to fight the Turks. A mythical Christian king named "Prester John" supposedly ruled this country. Gawd only knows how much money the Gypsies conned the ignorant peasants. Did you ever see that Brook Shields movie called "King of the Gypsies"? That is so accurate about how Gypsies live, and I saw it with my own eyes. I was living in an apartment building in Hollywood about 25 years ago, and one of the apartments in the four unit building became vacant. The owner rented the apartment to a pair of Gypsies who said they had one child. Actually, they had five kids, and they wanted to live in a one bedroom apartment with enough space for three people. Then they started bringing their relatives in, and there were nine Gyspies living in the apartment. They were sleeping in the closets, and they were sleeping on the floor. One of the nine Gypsies had an old 1948 Cadillac that looked like it came right of the set of "King of the Gypsies". It was incredible to see Gypsies living just like the movies. The Gypsy husband asked another tenant to please move out so he could get more of his family to move into the building, but the other tenant refused to move. Other Gypsy family members would come over to take showers and I would see teenaged Gypsy girls standing on the front porch drying their wet hair. The younger Gyspy kids were covering the building with greasy finger prints and graffiti. The Gypsy man had an old Camaro convertible that wasn't registered and hadn't been registered for 13 years. He wanted to hide it in the storage unit assigned to me. The owner of the building asked me to move all my stuff out of my storage unit so he could park the damned car in there. I told the owner I wasn't going to do it. Later on, the Gypsy's wife asked me when I was going to move all my stuff out of my storage unit, and I told her not to hold her breath. The Gypsy's wife was a real piece of work. She was using about 15 different names, and the husband was only using about 6 names. One day I came home and a furniture company had delivered thousands of dollars of new furniture to somebody named "Nancy White". I thought that was funny, because I knew her as "Nancy Black". She also used "Nancy Value" to run a slip and fall scam in a pancake restaurant. When the Gypsy husband saw all the furniture, he was amazed. He didn't know his wife was out scamming merchants for credit. The Gyspsy husband was doing the roofing scam and workman's comp fraud. He had an old unregistered truck with a pile of unpaid parking tickets on it. I was sick and tired of the Gypsy kids playing with matches and threatening to set the building on fire and the kids walking around on the neighbor's roof and shoving garbage out through the window screens. They were like little animals. One day the Gypsy kids got into a fight and one of themwas going to hit another kid with a brick while another kid was yelling, "Fuck the bitch, kill her!" These kids were only about 8 or 9 years old. After several discussions with the building owner, I finally told the Gypsy man to move out. I told him that he had three choices. he could leave voluntarily, he could leave in handcuffs, or he could leave in an ambulance, but he was going to leave. He moved out that same day. The building owner told me that I shouldn't have done that, because the Gypsy was paying him in cash. A few weeks later, one of my neighbors came over and wanted to know how I had gotten the Gypsies to move out so easily. He told me that the same Gypsies had lived in his building down the street and that they had run everybody else out of the building. I just smiled and didn't explain all the dirty tricks I had done to the Gypsies. About ten years later, the owner sold the building to a family of Gypsies that ran fortune telling businesses in Hollywood and Marina del Rey. The Gypsies didn't want to spend any money to repair the building and they let it run down. But the building was rent controlled and I was paying half the rent that other tenants in the building were paying. Finally, the Gypsies had to pay me 00 to move out. The Gypsy owner claimed that he needed the unit I was living in so he could live there. He claimed that he had to move out of the house where his wife was running her fortune-telling business. Immediately after I moved out, he started trying to illegally rent the unit at market rate, which was illegal. So, what else would you like to know about how Gypsies live and do business? Don't call me a "racist". Gypsies are the same Indo-European race as me.