[URL]http://big.rosbif.org/ohdeer.wmv[/URL] Not a ginge, I think.
Cause of the crash or the deer? You can hardly see the deer and seeing a Kawasaki go somersaulting is hardly new.
Noo, I *want* to see the crash and the deer but it downloads, Winamp starts and that's it: Nilch. I even tried emailing the link to myself so I could "save target as" and it saved the file as a php page :-\ <shrugs>
Almost had that happen to me twice on a bike[1] and twice in a car. Third time in a car, year before last I hit the fucking thing. After a couple of summersaults it pissed off leaving me with a broken headlight. [1]URL:http://groups-beta.google.com/group/uk.rec.motorcycles/msg/165e376f94f1ada4