Oh dear...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Nigel Eaton, Jul 17, 2004.

  1. Nigel Eaton

    dwb Guest

    Be in the Daily Mail and on Watchdog then.
    dwb, Jul 17, 2004
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  2. Nigel Eaton

    muddycat Guest

    muddycat, Jul 17, 2004
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  3. Nigel Eaton

    Mash Guest

    Nope, Ive been using it for months now. mp3, wma, aac, ogg, wav,
    whatever the hell you like, you just pay for the bandwidth. So a Joe
    Bloggs 128k mp3 album would be a few pence, personally I buy ~192k wmas
    which work out at about 40p per album.
    Mash, Jul 18, 2004
  4. Nigel Eaton

    Ben Guest

    Ben, Jul 18, 2004
  5. Nigel Eaton

    Christofire Guest

    Yes. 128k sounds awful, 160 is barely passable. 192 is the minimum
    IMO. I usually notice the difference when listening to music and a
    128k mp3 comes on.
    Christofire, Jul 18, 2004
  6. Nigel Eaton

    Harvey Guest


    I was convinced that they were a dodgy site, so I did a bit of
    research... interesting, very interesting!

    Harvey, Jul 18, 2004
  7. Nigel Eaton

    darsy Guest

    I've no idea how many I have, though it's probably more than that.
    I'll probably never listen to most of them ever again.
    that'd be a fairly impressive MTBF.
    darsy, Jul 19, 2004
  8. Nigel Eaton

    gomez Guest

    I am about the same. Mind you it doesn't help to have had my original
    collection nicked about 10 years ago. I am still confused about what
    I now have and don't have, so never dare buy a golden oldy bargain I
    might see in a shop.
    gomez, Jul 19, 2004
  9. Nigel Eaton

    Ben Guest

    It's interesting. I've been listening to stuff I haven't listened to
    for years, mainly because I now know I've got it.
    It would.
    Ben, Jul 19, 2004
  10. Nigel Eaton

    Ben Guest

    I do the same as Corfield. I've got an Excel spreadsheet that lists
    all the cds I've got and I keep a copy on the iPaq. Since I've done
    this, I've never bought a duplicate.

    I do the same with books and dvds as well, also they double up for the
    insurance company and mean they can easily replace them if they get
    Ben, Jul 19, 2004
  11. Nigel Eaton

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I use http://www.collectorz.com/

    Horrendously out of date. Must sort that out soon.
    Ben Blaney, Jul 19, 2004
  12. Nigel Eaton

    gomez Guest

    I have a spreadsheet. Not kept it up to date though since I move from
    a Psion to a Pocket PC PDA.
    gomez, Jul 19, 2004
  13. Nigel Eaton

    darsy Guest

    I use my memory. Obviously I can't actually remember and list every CD
    I've ever bought, but I'm fairly confident that if you showed me a CD,
    I'd know whether or not I owned it. So I won't end up with duplicates,
    which is all I'd be bothered about.
    darsy, Jul 19, 2004
  14. Nigel Eaton

    Ben Blaney Guest

    It was more for books, for insurance purposes.
    Ben Blaney, Jul 19, 2004
  15. Nigel Eaton

    darsy Guest

    you know, I've got home contents insurance (obviously) but it never
    occurs to me to do anything like this.

    I suppose I ought to take a big inventory of everything I have, but
    I'm way too lazy.
    darsy, Jul 19, 2004
  16. Nigel Eaton

    Ben Blaney Guest

    It was when I realised how many books I had, and more importantly, how
    many I had forgotten I had. [0]

    Even at a fairly low average price of a tenner, even a fairly small
    number like 2,000 books adds up to twenty grand. But if you can't
    prove it, your house insurance people will tell you to **** off.
    Pay the kids to do it. It's really, really easy (if time-consuming)
    with something like http://www.collectorz.com/book/

    [0] Speaking of which, I'm fucked if I could find The Music Of Chance
    by Paul Auster. Has anyone from here borrowed my copy?
    Ben Blaney, Jul 19, 2004
  17. Nigel Eaton

    darsy Guest

    no, your absolutely right - I can't find any reason not to do it
    except laziness.
    I've no idea how many books we have, but I'd be surprised if it were
    anywhere near as low as 2000. On the other hand, the large majority of
    them are paperback fiction, so the average price is probably more like
    7 or 8 quid.
    good plan except one is dyspraxic and both are dyslexic. And both are
    easily as lazy as I am. I've got a list of "stuff to do" around the
    house - I'll add doing this to it.
    TBH, I'd just knock up a noddy database with a web front end, so I
    could access/maintain the list from anywhere.
    darsy, Jul 19, 2004
  18. Nigel Eaton

    Ben Guest

    Nice. I like the way they link with online sources for more info and
    there are pda viewers available.
    Mine aren't too bad, but I do have a few Amazon orders to add.
    Ben, Jul 19, 2004
  19. Nigel Eaton

    darsy Guest

    no, you and Blaney are exactly right - I've never really thought about
    it before, but now it's been pointed out, it seems obvious that I
    *must* do this.
    and "erm, a few thousand books" probably wouldn't be better.
    darsy, Jul 19, 2004
  20. Nigel Eaton

    Ben Guest

    That's precisely why. If, god forbid, my house burnt down, without
    lists like this there is no way I'd be able to remember what I owned
    in order to claim for it.

    "Erm, a few hundred books" probably wouldn't go down to well with the
    ins co.
    Ben, Jul 19, 2004
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