....the speedo has just packed up on the spangly new bike! Display all works fine but only reads 0 mph. Today I've brought a Haynes BOL and got completely confused so I'm hoping someone on here maybe able to help. First place I started looking was the speed sensor. This is fixed into the rear of the crank case. The BOL says to disconnect it then put a meter across the white wire on the sensor side. With the ignition on test for a 5v 0v reading as you spin the rear wheel. Unfortunately the sensor doesn't have a white wire. I tested it against each of the wires and got nothing so this points to the sensor. However, I'm concerned that they asked me to check a wire that doesn't exist and also why would I need the ignition on to test a sensor that I've disconnected from the loom? The plug on the loom side does has a white wire and this reads just under 5v constant. Yamaha want £60 for a new sensor which is quite a bit cheaper than Suzuki sensors but I'd rather know for sure that it needs one before getting a replacement. Other than a faulty set of clocks (please don't let that be the cause) can anyone recommend anything else I should be looking at (apart from another bike). WTF did I buy a Yamaha!?