Oh bollocks . . . .

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Buzby, May 22, 2005.

  1. Wicked Uncle Nigel wrote
    Fucking right on.

    Having been brought back to a life full of the prospect of creeping
    dementia, turn me off when the major bits break please. Pretty please.
    steve auvache, May 23, 2005
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  2. Buzby

    muddycat Guest

    The fire/medics cut my gear off while I was still laying in the middle
    of the road with a crowd of people looking on.

    What's with the finger up the arse bit. He must of fancied you, eh?

    Fucking doctors.

    My accident was in December 2002. I had a CAT scan done to check for
    internal injuries as I had much abdominal pain. That turned out to be
    nothing but as I was getting ready to be discharged the ER doctor said
    they saw something on the films. Bammy (wife/nurse) showed up and began
    questioning the doctor. He says 'lymphoma', Bammy almost faints and I'm
    thinking 'there's me fucked'. I spent the next week doing further
    testing. My doctor (different hospital) finally had a look at the films
    taken at the ER and didn't see anything 'wrong'. Roll on to 2 months ago
    when I had a physical to follow up on a chest pain incident. I had
    another CAT scan done and now my doctor tells me they see 'something' on
    the new films. I ran down the old films and arranged them to be sent
    over but they've been lost in transit. Now I'm waiting till mid June so
    they can rerun the tests to see if whatever it is has progressed or no.

    Skype: muddycat
    muddycat, May 23, 2005
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  3. Buzby

    Monkey Guest

    It could be you in that accident though - if you're still concious, it helps
    to be able to tell panicked onlookers what to do to you. I've done this
    before, although only for medium-scale beeding (nearly cut my thumb off with
    a penknife), and my instructions were 'get me to fucking casualty'.
    Monkey, May 23, 2005
  4. Buzby

    Monkey Guest

    I cracked my lower fairing by ramming the crash mushroom into it with my
    shin, then removed the opposite mirror with my forearm, before cracking the
    upper fairing with my toe and my helmet with the ground, all in one swift
    and decisive movement. Took me a fucking long time of matching bruises with
    bike damage, that did.
    Monkey, May 23, 2005
  5. Oh I'd better buy one of those.
    Paul Corfield, May 23, 2005
  6. Buzby

    DR Guest

    Looking back, it was rather bizarre lying in the road, dialling 999 on
    my own mobile, then realising I couldn't talk to the operator with my
    helmet on so I handed the phone to the bloke who caused the accident
    in the first place (although I didn't realise it at the time), saying
    "please tell them I need an ambulance, some twat just tried to kill me
    - don't try to take my helmet off"...
    DR, May 23, 2005
  7. I have this picture of some fat git, feeling a flutter in his chest,
    reaching out for the defib unit parked on the table next to the FatBoy
    Recliner and giving himself a jolt - every five minutes.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, May 23, 2005
  8. Buzby

    Lozzo Guest

    Paul Corfield says...
    A diet is cheaper
    Lozzo, May 23, 2005
  9. Buzby

    Dan L Guest

    This indeed true.

    And not very comforting, as the father of a 17 year old with a new driving

    I am actually less worried about him being out on the bike than I am about
    him driving the car, mainly for the reason you pointed out.

    Dan L (Oldbloke)
    My bike 1996 Kawasaki ZR1100 Zephyr
    M'boy's bike 2003 Honda NSR125R (Going)
    Spare Bike 1990 Suzuki TS50X (Patio Ornament)
    BOTAFOT #140 (KotL 2005), X-FOT#000, DIAABTCOD #26, BOMB#18 (slow)
    Dan L, May 23, 2005
  10. Buzby

    muddycat Guest

    Won't do any good. they'll have them anyway.
    muddycat, May 23, 2005
  11. Buzby

    muddycat Guest

    The thing here is, your helmet is covered by insurance because it is
    mandatory one be worn. Leathers OTOH are out of your pocket.
    muddycat, May 23, 2005
  12. If it's WC with the envelope, plastic bag and sellotape, I think I would
    Grimly Curmudgeon, May 23, 2005
  13. Buzby

    BRC Guest

    Sorry to hear all that mate. It gives you a kick to get some fa training
    when something like this happens. I got my first aid quals many years ago
    with St Johns Ambulance and have kept it up to date with a full 4 day course
    again rather than the refresher, last year. Well worth it and as it was
    just the First Aid at Work course I think it was around £148. It helped
    last week when I was first on the scene of an rta outside the shop.
    BRC, May 23, 2005
  14. Buzby

    Hooligan Guest

    Buzby did scribe:
    I came to this a bit late, and most pertinent responses have been made
    already. Besides considering training, I hope you're remembering to
    look after yourself too. Sounds all a bit traumatic to me.

    John (jsp)

    SV 650
    Black it is
    And Naked
    Hooligan, May 23, 2005
  15. Buzby

    Wizard Guest

    () says...

    "Dedication- that's what you need".

    <8P Wizard
    Suzuki GS550 "I like that. Nicely shite" - TOG
    BMW 520i (to make Oldbloke jealous)
    ANORAK#17b BOMB#19 BOTAFOT#138 BREast#5 COFF#24
    COSOC#8 DFV#11 STG#1
    Remove location from email address to reply
    Wizard, May 24, 2005
  16. Buzby

    SP Guest

    Wizard wrote:

    *waves* Hi Jeremy, hows tricks?

    SBS#11 (with oak-leaf cluster)
    BONY#54P BOB#18
    Real burds don't take hormones, they rage naturally
    SP, May 24, 2005
  17. Buzby

    tallbloke Guest

    A bucket load

    For about 1/2mm per day of new bone.
    tallbloke, May 24, 2005
  18. Buzby

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Even if it's those really hideous ones?
    Ben Blaney, May 24, 2005
  19. Buzby

    Wizard Guest

    Not bad, thanks. I've been out of UKRM for a while having what I
    belive is known as a 'life'.

    Major events this year:
    - My scumbag employer forced me to go and work in Cardiff for a
    - My flat is now about half-way through being redecorated.
    Bathroom and hall are done, the plan is to finish bedroom this
    weekend then do living room in the autumn.
    - My car, approaching MoT, proved uneconomic to repair, so I've
    bought Geoff's old BMW 520. My main challenge now is learning to
    reverse it- it's weird after a Golf, because I can only see as
    far as the rear window, and there's >18 inches of boot invisibly
    sticking out behind me.
    - My grandmother got ill, so I went to Guernsey to see her, then
    a fortnight later she died, so off to Guernsey again for funeral
    and cremation. That was tough for a while, but one learns to
    handle it. She was 93, so it was inevitable that the time would
    come. I'm glad I was able to make her happy by seeing her before
    she died, and introducing Angie to her.
    - I started jobhunting while in Cardiff, and it's now paid off.
    I have a contract with Customs & Excise in Southend, beginning
    6th June, so I'm just working out my notice now.
    With all that going on, I just didn't have much time for posting
    in UKRM.

    How are you?

    <8P Wizard
    Suzuki GS550 "I like that. Nicely shite" - TOG
    BMW 520i (to make Oldbloke jealous)
    ANORAK#17b BOMB#19 BOTAFOT#138 BREast#5 COFF#24
    COSOC#8 DFV#11 STG#1
    Remove location from email address to reply
    Wizard, May 24, 2005
  20. Buzby

    fluffycat Guest

    my sister works there. i'll get her to say hello.
    fluffycat, May 24, 2005
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