Oh bollocks . . . .

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Buzby, May 22, 2005.

  1. Buzby

    Simes Guest

    Iain said:
    I did notice that it wasn't made with the usual flair! "Iain said that
    this was a great opportunity for the UK Usenet community to enjoy low
    speed downloads that won't flood their ADSL lines or encourage them to
    exceed the limits we are about to impose" :)
    Simes, May 22, 2005
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  2. Buzby

    Simes Guest

    Bear said:
    It's in the Pan owners manual.
    Simes, May 22, 2005
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  3. Buzby

    Eiron Guest

    No, it's ABC - Airways, Breathing, Credit Card.
    Eiron, May 22, 2005
  4. Buzby

    Iain Ogilvie Guest

    And why not! ;o)
    Ta :eek:)

    Not much I can say really - only that I wasn't around when the announcement
    was made - and the people involved have learn't from it...

    So, erm, sorry!

    Anyways, have fun :eek:)
    Iain Ogilvie, May 22, 2005
  5. Buzby

    Tosspot Guest

    I think the point he is making is not one of this particular incident,
    just accidents in general, that is, he could have made the difference,
    but at the moment, he can't.

    Interestingly, first aid is a cumpulsory part of the German driving
    license. Accident on the road, *everyone* has some first aid training.
    Good idea imho.
    Tosspot, May 22, 2005
  6. Buzby

    BGN Guest

    ....I'll take that as a no then.

    Nevermind, I thought it was a good idea.
    BGN, May 22, 2005
  7. Buzby

    Monkey Guest

    Heh! Nah - the litigation culture wasn't invented then. Otherwise quite
    Monkey, May 22, 2005
  8. Buzby

    joe parkin Guest

    Considering the plod arrived after 40 minutes, nothing they can offer
    will be much help to the injured.
    Anyone happening on an accident can help, even if just a little bit
    with reassurances, for the victim.
    joe parkin, May 22, 2005
  9. Buzby

    wessie Guest

    Buzby emerged from their own little world to say
    This company does "first on scene" training for bikers

    I got the link from another bike forum. They are used by a number of bike
    clubs, IAM etc.

    The cheapest way to get training is through your employer. Why not volunteer
    to become a first aider?

    My ex-employer sent me on a 1 day resuscutation course as I worked in an
    electronics test environment. Although my StJ certification has expired I'd be
    confident of doing the most approporiate thing before the pro's arrived.
    wessie, May 22, 2005
  10. Buzby

    muddycat Guest

    I don't remember much of what happened, but there were two of them that
    removed mine. The shoved something under my neck, cut the chin strap and
    then one chap stuck his hands inside the helmet as far as he could. The
    other chap spread the helmet and slowly began removing it. As it came
    off the guy that had my head supported began inching his hands farther
    back till the helmet was off. Then the cunts taped my head to the
    backboard and cut the rest of my gear off.
    muddycat, May 22, 2005
  11. Buzby

    'Hog Guest

    <\homer simpson>
    Mmmmmm nurses
    </homer simpson>

    'Hog, May 22, 2005
  12. Buzby

    BGN Guest

    Same thing happened to me last month. I remember that they took about
    ten minutes taking my helmet off, with three of them at it.
    BGN, May 22, 2005
  13. Buzby

    Tosspot Guest

    If you knew what you were doing, I'd imagine mouth to mouth and a bit of
    thumping followed by a bloody quick phone call to someone with a

    Failing that, oral sex.
    Tosspot, May 22, 2005
  14. Buzby

    porl Guest

    Still having problems, eh?
    porl, May 22, 2005
  15. Buzby

    tallbloke Guest

    We could use W.C. as the victim.

    He'll prolly be half unconscious by then anyway...
    tallbloke, May 22, 2005
  16. Buzby

    Iain Ogilvie Guest

    <fx puts kettle on>
    Iain Ogilvie, May 22, 2005
  17. Buzby

    muddycat Guest

    Not fun, innit. I lost my Freddie Spencer replica. But still I got a
    nice new shiny black Shoei to replace it.

    Skype: muddycat
    muddycat, May 22, 2005
  18. Local colleges, Red Cross, your local ambulance brigade all may point
    you in the right direction.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, May 22, 2005
  19. Puncture wounds, deep cuts, choking.

    That's just a start. Any of those could lead to death before the ambies
    Grimly Curmudgeon, May 22, 2005
  20. Too fucking right. After seeing the aftermath of road carnage, a good
    toke is in order.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, May 22, 2005
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