[QUOTE] Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Boots Blakeley[QUOTE] Almost certainly apophrical but I recall hearing from a traffic cop about an accident where as the ambulance is on it's way the recovered biker says 'What about my mate'? Cue a return to the scene to find the missing pillion in someone's garden. [/QUOTE] Unfortunately non-apocryphal. I lost two mates in the eighties to a head-on with a cage[1] driven on the wrong side of the road with its lights off ("for a laugh") by a fuckwit..... "Where's Gary?...". Gary was in a field some distance away. Dying. [1] By a curious coincidence, a third friend was a passenger in the car, and was also killed.[/QUOTE] Shit, that's harsh.