Oh arse

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Sean Doherty, Sep 13, 2003.

  1. Sean Doherty

    Sean Doherty Guest

    Last week, I discovered that my F650 needed a tax disc so I put it in
    for an MOT this afternoon. It failed on the head race beaings[1]. It
    looks like I'll be TOG touring on the bandit[2].

    [1] Once he demonstrated it, he was right[3]

    [2] It's not like it's a bad thing, just something that wasn't in my

    [3] Very notchy from centre to about 10 degrees[4].

    [4] It was a 'charatarsitic' to me.
    Sean Doherty, Sep 13, 2003
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  2. F650s are notorious for this. They carry the oil in the main frame tube.
    Oil gets hot, melts grease in head races, grease runs out, head races
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 13, 2003
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  3. Sean Doherty

    Sean Doherty Guest

    *Now* I know ;)
    Sean Doherty, Sep 13, 2003
  4. Sean Doherty

    Mark Olson Guest

    Prolly just whatever the manual says to use, but you should service it
    as least as often as recommended. I'll bet most folks leave them be
    until they notice they're loose or notchy, as it is somewhat of a pain
    to take out head race bearings.

    I am thinking you might want to try Sil-Glyde if it gets really hot up
    there, the thought being that *some* grease, (high temperature plastic
    non-melting, normally used for disk brake caliper sliders) even if it's
    the wrong type, is better than no grease at all.
    Mark Olson, Sep 13, 2003
  5. It can do. Regular greasing with moly grease is the best preventative.

    If you don't fancy dismantling half the steering to get at the head
    races, use a syringe or something to squirt grease into the races, and
    then douse the area with chain lube, which helps to carry the grease
    into all the nooks and crannies.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 13, 2003
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