OFFTOPIC: where to buy furniture?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Morris, Nov 30, 2006.

  1. Morris

    Morris Guest

    Sorry for being totally offtopic, but it's the first time I want to buy
    normal furniture - chest of drawers and bookshelf, and I only know
    about ikea and Argos. Ikea hasn't got anything that would interest me,
    and Argos asks me to wait 35 days.

    Are there any other not-so-expensive online shops I can choose
    something? Thanks a lot!

    Morris, Nov 30, 2006
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  2. Morris

    prawn Guest

    <fx: resists bait>
    prawn, Nov 30, 2006
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  3. Morris

    Tony Guest

    Ikea 10 out of 10 for quality/price.
    Argos fucking shite.

    Ikea 1 out of 10 for style.
    Argos fucking shite.
    Tony, Dec 1, 2006
  4. Morris

    rob2 Guest

    Buy secondhand, furniture depreciates really really fast.
    rob2, Dec 1, 2006
  5. Morris

    Lucifer Guest

    Indeed...And check out EBAY auctions - managed to pick up mahogany
    cupboard + table + wardrobe for £5...still not sure how :)
    Lucifer, Dec 1, 2006
  6. There are those cancer charity shops (or something) that specialise in
    used furniture. There's one down the road, and I unremember the name.
    Brilliant. As someone else said, furniture depreciates worse than an old
    The Older Gentleman, Dec 1, 2006
  7. Morris

    Cab Guest

    What a load of bollox. Ikea stuff has dropped drastically in quality
    over the last few years.
    I quite like their stuff.
    Cab, Dec 1, 2006
  8. Morris

    antonye Guest

    Our first couple of places were decked out in Ikea stuff
    because its cheap, look ok and convenient to buy [1].

    When we did the "proper" furniture thing, we had a look
    round quite a few of those "pine warehouse" places
    that you can find at most retail parks. They still sell
    it as flat-pack, but at least it is real wood and not
    flimsy chipboard like the shite Argos sell. You may
    pay more than Ikea, but again it will be of better

    These are the people we used, but they are only in
    Essex. You may be able to find something similar:
    I tried, but its very hard to visualise the furniture
    from photos. Ok so you'll know if it fits but you don't
    get to play with the drawers or doors and see how
    good the hinges and runners are, that kind of thing.

    [1] obviously depending on your location and whether you
    like spending your saturday morning queuing...
    antonye, Dec 1, 2006
  9. Morris

    Cane Guest

    If you go to Habitat I've got a 25% discount voucher you can use.
    Cane, Dec 1, 2006
  10. Indeed...And check out EBAY auctions - managed to pick up mahogany
    cupboard + table + wardrobe for £5...still not sure how :)


    And freecycle, and some charity shops.

    Alison Hopkins, Dec 1, 2006
  11. Morris

    Tunku Guest

    Local auction rooms. I got a first class three piece suite in exactly the
    style and colour I wanted for £300. And it was 'run in' for me.
    Tunku, Dec 1, 2006
  12. Morris

    Lozzo Guest

    Tunku says...
    By Whinging Courier.
    Lozzo, Dec 1, 2006
  13. Morris

    Lucifer Guest seems that they supplied the wrong battered £5
    ones must have gone down a treat with the person who paid for the
    antique mahogany :)
    Lucifer, Dec 1, 2006
  14. Morris

    Tunku Guest

    ****, never thought of that. Where's my Flit gun?
    Tunku, Dec 1, 2006
  15. seems that they supplied the wrong battered £5
    ones must have gone down a treat with the person who paid for the
    antique mahogany :)


    Oops. Did they ask for them back? :)

    Alison Hopkins, Dec 2, 2006
  16. Morris

    Lucifer Guest

    Yes...but I'm a law student, and told them where to stick their
    demands, based on the relevant laws :)
    Lucifer, Dec 3, 2006
  17. Twice a ****, then.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Dec 3, 2006
  18. I'd agree. Not a nice thing to do at all.

    Alison Hopkins, Dec 3, 2006
  19. Morris

    Lucifer Guest

    Uhm...true, but then, we were slightly unsure about whether they were
    the right ones or not, asked three times, were assured that they were,
    only to get a phone call later saying that he would be on his way to
    fetch them tonight (after they had been fitted). Having fended him off
    then, he became abusive and even threatening before giving up.
    Lucifer, Dec 4, 2006
  20. Uhm...true, but then, we were slightly unsure about whether they were
    the right ones or not, asked three times, were assured that they were,
    only to get a phone call later saying that he would be on his way to
    fetch them tonight (after they had been fitted). Having fended him off
    then, he became abusive and even threatening before giving up.


    Ah, OK, that makes more sense of it.

    Alison Hopkins, Dec 4, 2006
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