off - my first

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Steve Rawlinson, Nov 22, 2005.

  1. I started riding in 89 and have ridden more or less everyday for the
    last 4 years including the odd track day. Yesterday I had my first off.

    Pulled out of the office car park, looked right, there was a broken down
    car obscuring my view. I could see enough road to know I had time
    to get out if I didnt hang about, pulled out, turned left into the road,
    rear wheel spun, fishtail, highside (at 5mph).

    No damage to me (barely felt it) slight scrape on the exhaust and
    dangling indicator on the bike (zx6r). I was so convinced there must be
    an ice patch or oil on the road I spent 10 minutes looking for it, but
    it seems I just overcooked it on cold tyres.

    I realise this is a bit of a nothing story but somehow felt my
    introduction to tarmac kissage should be recorded in the annals of

    Steve Rawlinson, Nov 22, 2005
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  2. Steve Rawlinson

    Linger Guest

    You know these things happen in three's don't you?
    Linger, Nov 22, 2005
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  3. Steve Rawlinson

    Molly Guest

    You cannot be trying hard enough. ;)
    Ouch, I did that on ice and cracked three ribs.
    Indeed, it should.
    Molly, Nov 22, 2005
  4. Steve Rawlinson

    Rob Guest

    least it wasnt a bike worth worrying about!
    Rob, Nov 22, 2005
  5. You know these things happen in three's don't you?

    Yeah well I got my first ever notice of intended prosecution letter the
    other day (37mph in a 30 apparently) so hopefully that's two of them out
    the way.

    This afternoon, in the light, the oil patch I slipped on last night was
    clearly visible. In fact I'm not sure it's oil, it's a sort of congealed
    rubbery patch in the road, but very slippery whatever it is. Feel better

    Steve Rawlinson, Nov 22, 2005
  6. Steve Rawlinson

    Molly Guest

    Actually I think the 6R's are great little bikes.
    Molly, Nov 22, 2005
  7. Steve Rawlinson

    Lozzo Guest

    Molly said...
    Molly, it's a troll. Best to avoid it imo.
    Lozzo, Nov 22, 2005
  8. Steve Rawlinson

    BGN Guest

    Have you informed the plod (if it's on a public road) so some other
    poor two wheeled individual doesn't do themselves some damage?
    BGN, Nov 22, 2005
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