Off advice

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Kayman, Oct 21, 2003.

  1. Kayman

    Kayman Guest

    Ok, ok apart from contacting ridersupport[1] & the insurance

    In a case of overtaking a line of stationary traffic[2] on a main road close
    to where I park my trusty steed leading up to a set of lights where my
    right-hand-turn is about 50yrds before-said lights. 5-10 yards before my
    right-hand-turn, well in to my MSPSL out pops a ~12yr old girl from said
    line of traffic not looking my way. I grab a handful, nice bit of tarmac
    says "Come On Down!" to my front tyre.
    I make the conscious decision of a) acquaint myself with tarmac or, b) gain
    a new girl shaped ornament for my bike. Needless to say I said howdy to the

    To cut a long story short I got up picked up the bike[4] slapped it in
    neutral, here comes the best bit, just before I start to roll it towards the
    nearside curb one of caged c*nts behind me beeps there horn, FFS!

    Exchanged particulars with said girl, she looked a little shocked. Also
    grabbed a particulars of the bloke on a red bike [5] who witnessed it coming
    the other way.

    Upon speaking with the insewrance people they suggested I called the parents
    to see if they have personal liability on there Household cover. After a
    delightful conversation, with her mother saying "My daughter said you were
    travelling at 60-70mph and skidded and fell off, so how can it be her
    fault?"[6]. I didn't think it was the time to start a debate on who was in
    the wrong and she didn't want to disclose her details to me so asked me for
    mine so she could pass them on to her insurance company for me, to which I

    Who/What else should I do?

    [1] Done.
    [2] Travelling at <=30mph in a 30mph zone, in the bike land between cars and
    central reservation [3]
    [3] I know about the correct speed for the conditions argument, however
    following my rule of expect the unexpected a school girl on _that_
    particular stretch of Main road at _that_ time wasn't on the list.
    [4] Mmmm, nice patch of oil, my bike obviously needed a piss.
    [5] He was parked on the otherside of the carriageway and making a note of
    his bike wasn't the first thing on my mind.
    [6] Q: Can a ~12yr old truly identify the speed of an on coming bike that
    she didn't see? [7]
    [7] Q: If she did see me and note that I was doing her alleged looney speed
    [8], why did she step out in front of me?
    [9] If I was doing that speed I wouldn't have been able to make the choice
    of whether or not to scoop her up on the way past.
    Kayman, Oct 21, 2003
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  2. Kayman

    curium Guest

    Does anyone know what the situation is concerning being hit while in the
    'filtering lane'?

    Is the obligation wholly on the cage/pedestrian to ensure its safe to
    perform their manoeuvre?

    Or is it a case of your not supposed to be there so tough luck?
    curium, Oct 21, 2003
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  3. Kayman

    Stu Guest

    The should be doing that, not you, it's what you pay for (you have fully
    comp insurance?)

    After a delightful conversation, with her mother saying "My daughter said
    you were travelling at 60-70mph and skidded and fell off, so how can it be
    her fault?"

    Right - a 12 yr old girl can judge road speeds having no experience of
    driving or judging speeds generally. Especially as she wasn't looking your
    way when she stepped out. If you had been doing 70mph, you'd probably dead,
    along with her daughter, and at 50 yds from the ATS, would you really be
    doing 70mph down the outside of a line of traffic??

    I didn't think it was the time to start a debate on who was in the wrong
    and she didn't want to
    disclose her details to me so asked me for mine so she could pass them on to
    her insurance company for me, to which I obliged.

    Who/What else should I do?

    Point out the girl could have crossed in safety at the traffic lights, yet
    chose to cross through the traffic putting herself in danger.

    Tell your insurance company to get their finger out. Submit a claim to the
    girl's parents for uninsured losses - i.e. leathers, helmet etc.


    YTC#11 OSOS#23
    pull my plonker when replying
    Stu, Oct 21, 2003
  4. Kayman

    jsp Guest

    Kayman wrote:

    [snip details of incident]
    If it's a vehicle to vehicle interface, and one does not submit
    insurance details, you should call the police. I don't know about a
    case like this. How do you know the mother will follow through?


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Oct 21, 2003
  5. Kayman

    Kayman Guest

    I've given ridersupport all the necessary and they said that they will do
    all the following through for me :)
    Kayman, Oct 21, 2003
  6. Kayman

    jsp Guest

    That's good to know.


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Oct 21, 2003
  7. Kayman

    Mr Precision Guest

    Yahuh, as long as you aren't riding dangerously or without due care and
    Supposed to be there? Filtering is a legal and common practice for
    motorcycles and bicycles. The roads aren't reserved specially for cars so
    the assumption that all traffic is supposed to be stopped because the cars
    are stopped is a false one.
    Mr Precision, Oct 22, 2003
  8. Mr Precision wrote
    This is a sensible thing to say.
    steve auvache, Oct 23, 2003
  9. Kayman

    Kayman Guest

    Agreed, this will be going down in my statement of facts ;) Cheers.
    Kayman, Oct 24, 2003
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