Ok, ok apart from contacting ridersupport[1] & the insurance wankers^Wcompany[1]. In a case of overtaking a line of stationary traffic[2] on a main road close to where I park my trusty steed leading up to a set of lights where my right-hand-turn is about 50yrds before-said lights. 5-10 yards before my right-hand-turn, well in to my MSPSL out pops a ~12yr old girl from said line of traffic not looking my way. I grab a handful, nice bit of tarmac says "Come On Down!" to my front tyre. I make the conscious decision of a) acquaint myself with tarmac or, b) gain a new girl shaped ornament for my bike. Needless to say I said howdy to the road. To cut a long story short I got up picked up the bike[4] slapped it in neutral, here comes the best bit, just before I start to roll it towards the nearside curb one of caged c*nts behind me beeps there horn, FFS! Exchanged particulars with said girl, she looked a little shocked. Also grabbed a particulars of the bloke on a red bike [5] who witnessed it coming the other way. Upon speaking with the insewrance people they suggested I called the parents to see if they have personal liability on there Household cover. After a delightful conversation, with her mother saying "My daughter said you were travelling at 60-70mph and skidded and fell off, so how can it be her fault?"[6]. I didn't think it was the time to start a debate on who was in the wrong and she didn't want to disclose her details to me so asked me for mine so she could pass them on to her insurance company for me, to which I obliged. Who/What else should I do? [1] Done. [2] Travelling at <=30mph in a 30mph zone, in the bike land between cars and central reservation [3] [3] I know about the correct speed for the conditions argument, however following my rule of expect the unexpected a school girl on _that_ particular stretch of Main road at _that_ time wasn't on the list. [4] Mmmm, nice patch of oil, my bike obviously needed a piss. [5] He was parked on the otherside of the carriageway and making a note of his bike wasn't the first thing on my mind. [6] Q: Can a ~12yr old truly identify the speed of an on coming bike that she didn't see? [7] [7] Q: If she did see me and note that I was doing her alleged looney speed [8], why did she step out in front of me? [9] If I was doing that speed I wouldn't have been able to make the choice of whether or not to scoop her up on the way past.