Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Aido, Dec 18, 2003.

  1. Aido

    Aido Guest

    Aido, Dec 18, 2003
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  2. Aido

    Damien Guest

    Wasn't this posted in aus.cars only the other week? And nearly every point ripped to shreds in less time than it takes
    the wheels of a dragster to turn twice?

    GPX250 (stolen) -> CBR600
    Damien, Dec 18, 2003
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  3. Aido

    Aido Guest

    I dunno Danien, I don't read aus.cages. I got it as an email from a mate.

    Aido :)>
    2000 Honda Hornet S

    ripped to shreds in less time than it takes
    Aido, Dec 18, 2003
  4. Aido

    sardo numspa Guest

    sardo numspa, Dec 18, 2003
  5. Aido

    Jules Guest

    Wasn't this posted in aus.cars only the other week? And nearly every point
    ripped to shreds in less time than it takes
    hehe. Yep.
    Jules, Dec 18, 2003
  6. Aido

    Dave Mojo67 Guest

    44 amps to each spark plug? I wonder how he keeps his voltage regulator
    cool. He'd have one of those aftermarket jobbies. :p
    Dave Mojo67, Dec 18, 2003
  7. Aido

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Dave Mojo67" wrote
    Assuming a really low spark plug voltage of 20KV that would be 880KW,
    requiring 73,333 amps from his 12 Volt battery.

    Yeah, right!

    Theo Bekkers, Dec 19, 2003
  8. Also, 880KW is going to sap a fair bit of that horsepower. Especially when
    you consider how much power the supercharger is using to turn it (seeing as
    an "ordinary" hemi V8 can't even turn it.
    James Mayfield, Dec 19, 2003
  9. Was watching discovery once... the 3 engines on the back of the space
    shuttle... take one of those and when at full thrust will provide the same
    power as something like 35000 V8 Chevys... and the supercharger (???) sucks
    through 1 million (gallons or litres) of fuel per second.
    But this was a while ago...if anyone can remember more clearly, correct

    Josh - Southport, QLD

    ('81 GSX250 --> '83 VT250--> '85 GPz600R --> '98 ZX9R)
    Remove _baffles_ to reply.

    DoinitSideways, Dec 19, 2003
  10. Can't be right. Even using litres (smaller than gallons) 1million litres is
    1000 cubic metres of fuel per second. Aint nowhere you're going to fit the
    sort of fuel load required to get it up into space. (Especially when you
    consider that it's got to carry the oxygen as well.)
    James Mayfield, Dec 19, 2003
  11. Aido

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "James Mayfield" wrote
    Christ James, doncha go bringing facts and science into this.

    Theo Bekkers, Dec 19, 2003
  12. Aido

    Nev.. Guest

    What is the escape velocity required for a space shuttle, and how much fuel
    does this require?

    Escape velocity is a term we use when we want to escape from the Earth's
    gravity. Well, we are not actually escaping from Earth's gravity. We re
    actually going into what is called the gravity realm. So we don't actually
    achieve escape velocity. That would actually be if were going at least 25,000
    miles per hour. For our purpose, we go into a low Earth orbit we need about
    17,500 miles per hour. So that is what we have to do is go from a standing
    start up to an altitude of about 80 miles and get going to about 17,500 mph
    and to do that it takes half of million gallons of liquid hydrogen and liquid

    '03 ZX12R
    '02 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Dec 19, 2003
  13. Remember, they do "fall off" once the shuttle has used them up.

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Dec 22, 2003
  14. Aido

    Neil Downe Guest

    James Mayfield said....

    JM> Can't be right. Even using litres (smaller than gallons) 1million litres
    JM> is 1000 cubic metres of fuel per second. Aint nowhere you're going to
    JM> fit the sort of fuel load required to get it up into space. (Especially
    JM> when you consider that it's got to carry the oxygen as well.)

    The shuttle's main fuel tank, which holds liquid H2 and O2 has around
    1,200 cubic metre capacity. It is 47m long and about 8m in diameter.
    Neil Downe, Dec 22, 2003
  15. Aido

    Neil Downe Guest

    DoinitSideways said....

    Do> Was watching discovery once... the 3 engines on the back of the space
    Do> shuttle... take one of those and when at full thrust will provide the
    Do> same power as something like 35000 V8 Chevys... and the supercharger
    Do> (???) sucks through 1 million (gallons or litres) of fuel per second.
    Do> But this was a while ago...if anyone can remember more clearly,
    Do> correct me.
    Neil Downe, Dec 22, 2003
  16. Aido

    Neil Downe Guest

    Aido said....

    Here's a spark plug for you:


    The clip is about 1.5megs in size.

    For those interested, if anyone, the "switch" that is opening is called
    an ROI or remote operated isolator or air break switch.

    An insulator connected to one phase of the ROIs flashed over and caused
    it to arc during the operation.

    All it's doing too, is to break the capacitive charge of the line that
    it's disconnecting. There is no load on the circuit. If there were, the
    ROI would've disintegrated. There's about 10 megavolt-amp reactive
    (MVAR) involved.

    The arc was extingquished by opening a circuit breaker further up the
    Neil Downe, Dec 22, 2003
  17. Aido

    Neil Downe Guest

    Nev.. said....

    Ne> What is the escape velocity required for a space shuttle, and how much
    Ne> fuel does this require?

    Is this a South African Space Shuttle or a European Space Shuttle?
    Neil Downe, Dec 22, 2003
  18. I found it at


    after a bit of poking around...

    Its pretty cool :)

    How about this "spark plug" though?



    Iain Chalmers, Dec 22, 2003
  19. Aido

    Nev.. Guest

    Its the one I'm building in my back yard. Duh.

    '03 ZX12R
    '02 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Dec 22, 2003
  20. Aido

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Neil Downe" wrote in
    So that would be enough for 1.2 secs of burn then?

    Err, my calculator suggest the volume is 2361 cubic metres.

    Theo Bekkers, Dec 22, 2003
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