NZ'05 ride on the rails

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by glitch1, May 11, 2004.

  1. glitch1

    glitch1 Guest

    Since emails regarding the ride continue to come in, here's the latest:
    It's all stitched, deposits paid for the shipping of bikes (thanks to Dave
    dates and times set (22 Feb to 26 March), and flights are booked and paid.
    All sorts of things are happening in the background, people buying new bikes
    in time to get used to them and do the necessary mods,
    planning routes/accom etc. is in the making, the nights at either end of
    trip in Christchurch/ Lyttelton are also booked.
    It'll be 4.5 weeks on the road and it'll be a RIPPER of a trip.

    New sleeping bags and thermal undies are on the shopping list additional to
    various other stuff, like sets of fresh rubber :)
    6 are going, bikes from Kilo-Gixxer to R1, a Guzzi Breva, a Peg and 2

    Anyone with a quickish server and 20MB or so of space for the ride-report?
    Another 200mb space for the best pics?
    ....and who preferrably doesn't have to pay for the traffic?

    Bit early for that yet, but....
    glitch1, May 11, 2004
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  2. glitch1

    Marty H Guest

    I have free hosting @ work for but have only 100mb , I wll
    try to get some extra space, if I can, it yours

    Marty H, May 11, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  3. glitch1

    Frank Guest


    Hey glitch1,

    NOW the cat's really out of the bag.

    NZ Customs will probably be waiting for ya all.
    Might confiscate all those new bikes and bags too.

    (sleeping) (bags)

    Frank, May 11, 2004
  4. glitch1

    lemmiwinks Guest

    I gots no quota, but not the fattest pipe. You know where to find me if you want :)

    lemmiwinks, May 11, 2004
  5. glitch1

    glitch1 Guest

    Thanks to all who replied re: webspace.
    Eating up most space at the moment under various mail accts with optus,
    maintaining is getting harder due to bits spread out.
    it's still a long way off, but 4 digicams plus 1 on-bike-video (permanent)
    for the whole trip are going to produce an aweful amount of pics/ footage.
    The ride report spiced with pics will be half-a-book, plans to keep a
    detailed diary are in place.
    Only putting the best pics online (resampled to 800x600) will possibly keep
    the whole lot down to about 100mb.
    Thanks again
    glitch1, May 12, 2004
  6. glitch1

    atec Guest

    if you want commercial hosting
    I suggest you check
    atec, May 12, 2004
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