numberplate illumination

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by CampinGazz, Jun 7, 2004.

  1. CampinGazz

    CampinGazz Guest

    i seem to recall a place mentioned a while back where you could get a number
    plate light on its own for a bike,

    Got the TS125 up and running again, (3 days to totaly strip her down
    (excluding the engine) grease/free off some of the suspension joints,
    re-assemble, and re-wire it.. plus put 3/4 of the bike back together
    properly :)

    And i can't be arsed getting the proper rear light for the bike, it's got
    one of those off roader type lights.. the little things that sit on the top
    of the rear mudguard, but htis is only a tail/stop lamp, no number plate
    illumination at all,
    so i just need to get a decent looking seperate lamp, and i can put the
    number plate back on,

    then i just need a rear rack.. mainly to mount the indicators on, an
    ignition barrel, a light switch assembly.. or somehow find just an indicator
    lever and knob for my assembly, a flasher unit, and she's ready for an MOT,

    i even got the low 2 stroke oil sender working again.. ground the plastic
    away to expose the wires in the top, and soldered new ones to the stubs of
    wire.. bit o hot melt glue stops them comming off again :)

    Just need me soddin cbt again and i can get back out and practice for me
    test.. then enjoy the pleasures of riding about with a nice pair o tits
    pressing in me back... drool.. i can't wait ;)
    CampinGazz, Jun 7, 2004
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  2. CampinGazz

    CampinGazz Guest

    Ahh, good idea, i had wondered about that my self, but kinda dismissed the
    idea, i have a few very high brightness white led's left, so i may make
    something up..

    only problem is they're so bright (12,000 mcd's)they come out with a slight
    blue tinge when viewed straight on.. i have 3 in the bikes headlight for a
    side/parking light now, have the same ones in the motorhomes headlights, and
    got told at MOT time this year that he could fail me for them.. but i
    pointed out they are infact white led's, and they show white on a wall, just
    look blue-ish when you look at em, he let me off.. not sure if a motorbike
    mot will be the same... which is a bummer, as i dont have the side light
    holder for my bike.. hence the led's.. siliconed in the hole.
    CampinGazz, Jun 8, 2004
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  3. CampinGazz

    Steve B Guest


    My bike has not had a plate light since I fitted an undertray. To be honest
    I didn't realise it was illegal for a long while. The MOT tester passed it
    fine, he did though put a sticky back reflector on the back of the bike as
    it didn't have one. So either the light is not part of thge MOT or more
    likely it depends where you go...

    Anyway in the mean time I have bought an LED and plan on fitting it soon.

    Steve B, Jun 8, 2004
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