Number Plate sales

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Blotto, Feb 2, 2004.

  1. Blotto

    Blotto Guest

    Ok, so the day has come that I have decided to scrap my 34yr old
    CD175, but does anyone know of anywhere or sites that I can perhaps
    find out if the number plate is worth anything?



    SV1000S.....Stickier than Sticky the Stick Insect stuck on a sticky bun.

    SV1000S, ER5, CD175D (please remove the "pop" to reply)
    Blotto, Feb 2, 2004
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  2. Blotto

    Sean Doherty Guest

    If it has no MOT, it is worthless.
    Sean Doherty, Feb 2, 2004
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  3. Blotto

    Blotto Guest

    Wow, really?? I never knew that. Thanks for saving my time :)


    SV1000S.....Stickier than Sticky the Stick Insect stuck on a sticky bun.

    SV1000S, TL1000R, ER5, CD175D (please remove the "pop" to reply)
    Blotto, Feb 2, 2004
  4. Blotto

    Jeremy Guest

    So does the number then become DVLA's property?
    Jeremy, Feb 2, 2004
  5. Blotto

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    Tell that to the people buying and selling MOTless bikes on ebay.

    Sig missing , presumed formatted

    FAQ for u.p.c.e.
    Dr Zoidberg, Feb 2, 2004
  6. Blotto

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    Give us a clue of the number plate.


    Sig missing , presumed formatted

    FAQ for u.p.c.e.
    Dr Zoidberg, Feb 2, 2004
  7. I think so, yes. It goes back into the pool for re-issue.

    To transfer number plates, the vehicle must have a valid MoT.

    You can transfer it to a "retention certificate" and then scrap the
    donor vehicle (I think), but the vehicle must have a valid MoT at the
    time of the transfer of the plate from it.
    The Older Gentleman, Feb 2, 2004
  8. Blotto

    sweller Guest

    Depends on the reasons they're buying them. Could be restoration,
    spares, track bikes, ground locks.

    To put an MOT on a bike isn't that difficult, although MOT stations with
    rolling roads can make it more of a challenge.
    sweller, Feb 2, 2004
  9. Blotto

    Timo Geusch Guest

    The Older Gentleman was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    AFAIR this should read "... or the MOT must have expired in the last
    six months". If it's longer since the MOT run out you've got a problem
    if you want to transfer the number.
    Timo Geusch, Feb 2, 2004
  10. Blotto

    Blotto Guest

    On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 16:32:06 +0000,
    Oh dear, I think the bike is past that, off to the scrap heap then


    SV1000S.....Stickier than Sticky the Stick Insect stuck on a sticky bun.

    SV1000S, TL1000R, ER5, CD175D (please remove the "pop" to reply)
    Blotto, Feb 2, 2004
  11. Blotto

    sweller Guest

    What's it failed, or likely to fail, on? There's not a great deal to the
    bike MOT and if it can be made to run for 20 minutes it can usually be
    made to pass.
    sweller, Feb 2, 2004
  12. Blotto

    R.J.O. Guest

    You DO NOT need a valid MOT for a cherished transfer of the plate onto
    another vehicle. The vehicle must however have been taxed and MOT'd in the
    proceeding 6 months. You can transfer it onto another vehicle for £80 or put
    it onto retention ( a type of holding in limbo certificate) for £105 and
    then £25 every year thereafter that it isn't assigned to a vehicle.

    There are LOADS of number plate companies on the net GOOGLE etc can assist

    Getting the bike through the MOT if needed may be worthwhile if it's worth

    One thing to check is if the plate is transferrable at all. Some time ago
    people with 'old' cars i.e. pre reg number would sell off the 123 ABC format
    plate and the DVLA would issue a new number age related so it would be
    another 234 ABC format plate and sell that one off e.t.c. They now stipulate
    that if the plate is a replacement age related plate then it CANNOT be

    Good luck.


    (Post the reg plate number to give us a clue).
    R.J.O., Feb 2, 2004
  13. Blotto

    sweller Guest

    I can't see a H or J suffix plate having much value.

    It may be sentimental to the OP though, who may find this link useful.
    sweller, Feb 2, 2004
  14. Stick it on Ebay as a classic for restoration, or donated it to the TOG
    SOCD175 Sanctuary, where knackered old heaps rust out their declining years
    in a caring atmosphere of benign neglect and gimlet-eyed avarice.
    pseudoplatypus, Feb 2, 2004
  15. Blotto

    ß Ø ® G Guest

    not true it can still be sold if it was MOTed or TAXed within the last
    6 months

    E-Mail Addy obet(ng)qfy(qbg)cvcrk(qbg)pbz <---Rot13 it
    watch out for spam trap in header
    Trike Power the TRUE Trinity
    ß Ø ® G, Feb 3, 2004
  16. Blotto

    Sean Doherty Guest

    Almost right then.
    Sean Doherty, Feb 3, 2004
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