NSW toll roads to be E-Tag only in 2005

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by DaZZa, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. DaZZa

    SmeeR11S Guest

    Sometimes ill informed comments like Martin's post make me cranky.
    SmeeR11S, Dec 24, 2004
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  2. Martin Taylor, Dec 24, 2004
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  3. DaZZa

    SmeeR11S Guest

    SmeeR11S, Dec 24, 2004
  4. SmeeR11S said....
    Wow. Headline says "CityLink admits fining drivers with faulty e-tags"
    and I'm still incorrect????

    Remember, you asked me "who told me this" and I posted you a link.
    Citylink DID fine drivers for non-functioning E-tags. Whether it was
    right or wrong, it still did it. And it would still be doing it if it
    wasn't caught out.

    Personally, I reckon that CAV should've had their guts for garters over
    that one.
    Martin Taylor, Dec 25, 2004
  5. DaZZa

    SmeeR11S Guest

    So you believe a newspaper headline over first hand facts Martin? I told
    you a factual true first hand account yet you believe a newspaper headline.
    SmeeR11S, Dec 25, 2004
  6. DaZZa

    SmeeR11S Guest

    What I am saying is there is more to this than what you read in the papers.
    Usually people stung are the ones that take advantage of a situation.
    their etag doesnt beep so they think :you beauty I get free travel" only
    to be stung later.
    It's like when someone accidentally deposits $5000 into your account by
    accident so then you go on a spending splurge.
    Read between the lines Martin.
    SmeeR11S, Dec 26, 2004
  7. SmeeR11S said....
    So, are you denying that Citylink ever fined anyone at all, because
    their E-tags failed? You reckon that the Age and other media outlets
    made it up?
    Martin Taylor, Dec 26, 2004
  8. SmeeR11S said....
    Are you? Forgive me for thinking that you said that this never
    I have no doubt whatsover that this may have occured. The original point
    of this chat, though, was that I made reference to people being fined
    for having dead E-tags and you said that it didn't happen.
    Martin Taylor, Dec 27, 2004
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