NSW toll roads to be E-Tag only in 2005

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by DaZZa, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. DaZZa

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    To say nothing of the cost of collection.

    Theo Bekkers, Dec 22, 2004
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  2. DaZZa

    John Littler Guest

    No the buzz word (phrase) is "risk mitigation"

    Which translates as "make damn sure it ain't MY fault when the shit hits
    the fan"
    John Littler, Dec 22, 2004
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  3. DaZZa

    Conehead Guest

    Paulh, it's a toll road, not a troll road, ffs!
    Conehead, Dec 22, 2004
  4. DaZZa

    Conehead Guest

    One of the reasons we decided to leave Victoria was the corporatisation and
    privatisation of public utilities.

    The track record of the Kennett regime in grossly undervaluing public assets
    when putting them up for sale was beautifully emphasised by the stag profits
    made by the intial investors.

    The fact that many of the purchasers subsequently sold for a lot less than
    they paid was both a source of delight and a confirmation that
    Thatcherite/Reaganite economics could fail in Australia as they did in the
    US and UK.

    Service companies struggle to survive without providing an effective
    service, as the economic rationalist genii soon found. You can't provide
    efffective service after you've made the prople who provided the service
    Conehead, Dec 22, 2004
  5. DaZZa

    IK Guest

    They'd be a lot more credible if they didn't make such statements while
    fighting off the hiccupy aftermath of a gourmet business lunch paid for
    by representatives of private enterprise.
    That's easy... it abrogates responsibility.

    Sydney's trains are government-run. They're chronically late and the
    incovenience to commuters is giving the voting public a concrete reason
    to have the state government.

    Melbourne's trains are run by a private company. During their recent
    bout of shambolic operation, the state government joined in with the
    public in taking a chunk out of the operator's arse over it.

    In business, I believe they call that "limiting exposure".
    IK, Dec 22, 2004
  6. DaZZa

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I wasn't in favour of the siege of Troy buy maybe he'll be better off at
    Knobdoodle, Dec 22, 2004
  7. Don't have any toll roads here :)

    Mark Hutchison, Dec 22, 2004
  8. DaZZa

    John Littler Guest

    Noice segue back on topic :)

    John Littler, Dec 22, 2004
  9. DaZZa

    Muiredach Guest

    What about those who dont have a creditcard?

    '96 XV250
    'Dont Loose You're Head'
    22/12/04 RULP 90.9c/L @ Woolworths +, Richmond (86.9c after woolies
    Muiredach, Dec 22, 2004
  10. DaZZa

    Nev.. Guest

    I've never voted them in but i have voted them out.

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Dec 22, 2004
  11. DaZZa

    Boxer Guest

    I know some states are broke but have they really lost their credit cards?

    Boxer, Dec 22, 2004
  12. DaZZa

    sharkey Guest

    Yes, but they often turn out to be wrong.

    Also, the back-out clauses in most of those contracts put the govt.
    over a barrel: if the thing turns out non-profitable the govt. bails
    the project out.

    sharkey, Dec 22, 2004
  13. paulh said....
    Funnily enough, it's how roads such as the Monash Freeway, Princes
    Freeway, Geelong Freeway, Hume Freeway and others have been built in the
    past. Hasn't destroyed the economy to date, so far as I can tell. And
    people aren't paying more in taxes as a direct result of this.

    And didn't this state government recently post a record surplus - enough
    to fund the Mitchum/Franston "free"way, along with Fed. Govt.
    Why then, were councils around Citylink forced to inhibit traffic flow
    that resulted from drivers using local roads as rat runs in order to
    avoid Citylink? While Citylink is enjoying high traffic flows, it's not
    because of voluntary use by the drivers on it.

    And then governments get into contracts that stop them building fast
    rail links between airports and city centres because of the risk of
    competition to the private operators of toll roads.

    In the end, it does limit the drivers' choice of routes, particularly
    when they conduct business between eastern and north/western suburbs.

    As for "public infrastructure", I'm not refering to just roads. I'm
    talking about the services such as power, gas, public transport, and
    water. They should never had been handed over to private enterprise,
    which is mostly foreign based.
    Martin Taylor, Dec 22, 2004
  14. SmeeR11S said....
    I realise that. I took it as a cue to jump up and down on my soap box
    about the privatisation of public assets or their operation thereof.
    Yep, so I've been told - until the thing dies and you get a fine as a
    result of it.....

    How will NSW riders go with an E-tag system? Will they be forced to use
    Martin Taylor, Dec 22, 2004
  15. DaZZa

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    He'd be better off with a wooden horse.

    Theo Bekkers, Dec 23, 2004
  16. DaZZa

    DaZZa Guest

    It certainly looks like it.

    Unlike Victoria, NSW toll plaza's take photos of vehicles avoiding the
    tolls from the behind - which means the numberplate is in full view.

    Anecdotal evidence indicate that even if you have a tag and it doesn't
    work for whatever reason, you get charged an additional fee in some
    circumstances - you certainly get charged an additional fee if you don't
    have a tag and go through an E-tag only toll lane - I've already had
    this one happen to me, although not on my bike.

    DaZZa, Dec 23, 2004
  17. DaZZa

    Nev.. Guest

    It costs government the same to build as private. The difference is only
    apparent on June 30.

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Dec 23, 2004
  18. DaZZa

    SmeeR11S Guest

    No you don't I don't know who told you that.
    The battery died in our first one, I rang them and told them so.
    They said to go to a citylink office (one near the westgate freeway)
    and hand it in for a replacement.
    The extra couple of dollars they charged for "processing" was refunded.
    The media had a field day when the battery issue became a big thing but
    it really is a storm in a teacup.
    You don't get fined when your etag is faulty. Period!

    Eventually yes.
    SmeeR11S, Dec 23, 2004
  19. DaZZa

    Nev.. Guest

    Please refrain from using Americanisms in an Australian newsgroup.

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Dec 23, 2004
  20. DaZZa

    Moike Guest

    That's not an americanism. Smee is simply explaining why he sounds so

    Moike, Dec 23, 2004
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