NSW toll roads to be E-Tag only in 2005

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by DaZZa, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. DaZZa

    Boxer Guest

    Once you vote them in they become the Government.

    Boxer, Dec 22, 2004
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  2. DaZZa

    Boxer Guest

    Thanks got that looks like his Government experience in infrastructure has
    paid off. I will bet he is making 5 times his old government salary now.

    Boxer, Dec 22, 2004
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  3. DaZZa

    Boxer Guest

    Boxer, Dec 22, 2004
  4. DaZZa

    Boxer Guest

    Exellent reason to avoid Victoria.

    I have to go down to Melbourne in March (BMW Clubs Meeting) but i fly as it
    is too far to ride for a 3 day trip.

    Boxer, Dec 22, 2004
  5. DaZZa

    Boxer Guest

    Get used to it.

    Boxer, Dec 22, 2004
  6. DaZZa

    SmeeR11S Guest

    Very Good Martin
    That's not what I'm talking about though.
    I'm saying in comparison to other toll roads interstate, the etag system
    works well.
    Suffice it to say there should be no tolls.
    SmeeR11S, Dec 22, 2004
  7. DaZZa

    Conehead Guest

    Do what everyone else does.

    Go up the Cross, eat a lousy meal, get pissed at great expense, and try to
    find a hooker who isn't a junkie.
    Conehead, Dec 22, 2004
  8. DaZZa

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    How can I become a non-taxpayer? They even tax you after you're dead.
    Do hearses get a partial discount on toll roads.

    Living in a State of (currently) non-toll roads.
    Theo Bekkers, Dec 22, 2004
  9. SmeeR1100s said....
    Road should not be tolled. That's what we pay taxes for. And putting
    public infrastructure into the hands of private investors, for this
    semi-socialistic black duck, is wrong.
    Martin Taylor, Dec 22, 2004
  10. DaZZa

    SmeeR11S Guest

    That's what I mean

    I'm happy to pay a bit more in taxes for infrastructure or forgo a tax cut.
    SmeeR11S, Dec 22, 2004
  11. DaZZa

    SmeeR11S Guest

    To tell you the truth I couldn't care either way.
    You asked an opinion I gave you one.
    Now you are questioning it.
    I REALLY don't give a toss!
    SmeeR11S, Dec 22, 2004
  12. DaZZa

    Maurie Daly Guest

    The cost of a privately funded Toll Road will always be higher than if
    the road was funded thru taxes and no tolls charged, simply because
    the privately funded road has not only got to cover irs construction
    costs, but also make a decent return for the shareholders of the
    Company thru dividend payments .
    Govts can simply build infrastructure at cost, but dont need / or
    expect a return.

    It would even be better for the Govt to build the Toll Road itself
    thru borrowings and charge tolls than for the Govt to get the private
    sector to do it.

    Maurie Daly, Dec 22, 2004
  13. DaZZa

    Boxer Guest

    You are assuming that Governments can be as efficient as Private Enterprise
    in major construction projects.

    Boxer, Dec 22, 2004
  14. DaZZa

    manson Guest

    Sad, isn't it.

    manson, Dec 22, 2004
  15. DaZZa

    manson Guest

    Maurie Daly wrote:

    A truely private toll road would cost _heaps_ more than a government
    built road.

    Unfortunately, the bastard government uses its powers to forcably aquire
    the land, then gives it to the mate/company who is building the road.

    Stupid governments even _guarantee_ the money that their mates (sorry
    the toll companies) will make, underwriting traffic flow minima.

    Crooked as a two-bob watch, the lot of 'em. :-(

    manson, Dec 22, 2004
  16. DaZZa

    Moike Guest

    I think you're being a bit harsh on two-bob watches there.

    Moike, Dec 22, 2004
  17. DaZZa

    manson Guest

    You are right.

    I apologise to all the two-bob watches who may be offended.

    manson, Dec 22, 2004
  18. DaZZa

    Moike Guest

    Are you arrerting that they can't?

    Are we not fortunate here in sunny Victoria to have private companies
    running our trams, electricity supply and Gas (among other things).
    Can't say the operation looks any more efficient.

    Moike, Dec 22, 2004
  19. DaZZa

    Moike Guest

    Are you asserting that they can't?

    Are we not fortunate here in sunny Victoria to have private companies
    running our trams, electricity supply and Gas (among other things).
    Can't say the operation looks any more efficient.

    Moike, Dec 22, 2004
  20. DaZZa

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    They don't pay GST when they buy stuff?

    Theo Bekkers, Dec 22, 2004
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