NSW/SYD: banning colours

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. Zebee Johnstone

    Damien Guest

    You either don't get it, or aren't listening, or both.

    The problem is not those who ARE wearing 'outlaw colours', but those who
    are THOUGHT to be, but in fact are not. Bouncers aren't known for being
    the brightest of sparks - far from it, in fact. But are you trying to
    tell me that they will be able to infallibly identify and differentiate
    the correct people?
    Damien, Jan 17, 2008
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  2. Zebee Johnstone

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    I went to a work do in a pub once and turned up in sneakers. Guy on the door
    didn't want to let me in. Changed his mind when I told him it a) was a
    private function and b) I had the money to pay for the lot.

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 17, 2008
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  3. Zebee Johnstone

    Boxer Guest

    So you think "Dumb Bouncers" will ban people who he thinks are wearing
    "Outlaw Colors" but are not really, from the pub?

    So what are these people wearing that are so "Outlaw Colorish" that are
    capable of being mistaken for real "Outlaw Colors"?

    Assuming of course that anyone wearing something resembling "Outlaw Colors"
    manage to make it to the pub without being bashed senseless by "Real Outlaw
    Bikies" as opposed to imitation look alike pretend "Outlaw Bikies".

    Boxer, Jan 17, 2008
  4. Zebee Johnstone

    Damien Guest

    For a smart person, you're being pretty thick today, I regret to say.

    If you still can't work out how such a law could be very easily abused,
    or simply don't care (both of which seem to apply), then I fail to see
    the point in wasting any more time on you.
    Damien, Jan 17, 2008
  5. Zebee Johnstone

    Damien Guest

    You know that, and I know that...but it seems corks and boxer couldn't
    give a flying ****, period. That's the sort of attitude that gives us
    laws like this in the first place, not that they would care about that
    Damien, Jan 17, 2008

  6. How many outlaw club members do you see in a pub lately//
    I would guess not many
    Most outlaw clubs I know have their own clubhouse and have their own
    beer/liquor supply and have no need to go to the pub except to top up their
    abundant supply
    and the word is "COLOURS" not the septic spelling colors

    you are a fool boxer.....that is if you are or were a boxer,, you have taken
    too many hits in the head and your brain is fucked
    George W. Frost, Jan 17, 2008
  7. Zebee Johnstone

    Damien Guest

    Actually, it was the English themselves who came up with what you
    incorrectly label "septic spelling" - some time during the 16th/17th
    centuries, iirc. But then, around the general period of the American
    Revolution, they abandoned the language reforms that had resulted in
    such modifications and reverted to forms derived from French. The
    Americans, as they now called themselves, preferred to continue with the
    reforms that the English themselves had instituted and then abandoned.

    So...now that the history lesson is over, how about you **** off with
    your Frenchified English, and start speaking it the way it should be
    spoken? :)
    Damien, Jan 17, 2008
  8. Zebee Johnstone

    Dale Porter Guest


    Dale Porter, Jan 17, 2008
  9. In aus.motorcycles on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 06:14:35 GMT
    It's not just colours, but anything with the logo of the gang, or
    related to it.

    So a t-shirt with "big red machine" on it, as that's a Hells Angels
    publicity group.

    We don't know what criteria they are using to decide what is a gang
    logo or gang regalia, we don't know what criteria they are using to
    pick one named/logoed group over another.

    Zebee Johnstone, Jan 17, 2008
  10. Zebee Johnstone

    Boxer Guest

    As the wearing of Colors originated in the USA and the term Colors was first
    coined in the USA, the USA spelling is appropriate your pedantic twat.

    Boxer, Jan 17, 2008
  11. Zebee Johnstone

    corks Guest

    well then plenty of patch d wear the swatstika in their ''uniform''....
    corks, Jan 17, 2008
  12. Zebee Johnstone

    corks Guest

    what a crock - since when have 1%érs ever respected the rights of
    corks, Jan 17, 2008
  13. Zebee Johnstone

    corks Guest

    bravo applause , for a group that openly pertain to be outside of the law ,
    they sure are quick to run to their lawyers
    and cry

    .....i didnt notice them asking the MCC to ask the the Ulyesses crowd to take
    off their rockers.........
    corks, Jan 17, 2008
  14. Zebee Johnstone

    corks Guest

    no you are right, i dont , so get out your conceited little soapbox.......

    to me the benefits outweigh the negatives, dont like it , too bad , its
    called an opinion......and not necessarily an unformed one either
    corks, Jan 17, 2008
  15. Zebee Johnstone

    corks Guest

    oooh bullshit, theirs a fair bit of difference from your average 1%'er to
    your alpine stars clas sport rider, to your
    dainese latte sipping ducatisiti to condura clad beemer rider......that isnt
    to hard to work out........and if a few 1% wannabees get kicked out.....no
    losss...at times they are bigger pita than true 1%érs

    you...as per usual are just raising hysteria ....
    corks, Jan 17, 2008
  16. Zebee Johnstone

    Nev.. Guest

    It seems to me, that this is not a case of some discrimination against
    motorcyclists, or anything to do with motorcycles, so there's really
    little need for the MCC to get involved or represent the issue on behalf
    of the patch clubs in this case.

    This is about where people can wear their club colours, and if I recall
    correctly, the wearing of club colours is/was self-policed by the outlaw
    motorcycle clubs (google for the threats/actions the Rebels MCC made
    against Ulysses members at the Canberra AGM a few years ago regarding
    the wearing of coloured patches and rockers), and not the MCC.

    '07 XB12X
    Nev.., Jan 17, 2008
  17. Zebee Johnstone

    Damien Guest

    Sorry to disappoint Johno, but you're as wrong as G.W.F on this one. See
    my post above.
    Damien, Jan 17, 2008
  18. Zebee Johnstone

    Damien Guest

    How about you ditch your hopeless straw men, and stick to reality for
    just two seconds? You've been given other examples from enough other
    people to know how full of shit your examples are and how irrelevant
    they are to the ACTUAL points being argued here.

    You are too full of shit for words. Does it come with the uniform, or do
    you provide that service for free?
    Damien, Jan 17, 2008
  19. Zebee Johnstone

    rockit Guest

    On principle I have never agreed with the "convenient" dictum of the Ulysses
    group to ban the wearing of colours because of threats from the patch
    groups; introduced by a serving policeman too.
    If clubs and or pubs are able by law to vet their cliental using a dress
    code, then that is their business.
    Don't see how the ban can be opposed if it is legally supported.
    Regularly I hear of Ulyssians refused entry \service because they wear the
    logo, so this is not a new issue.
    It should be opposed if it is to be made law; other than that, it is best to
    remain neutral as it is an issue only between the parties involved, for
    reasons known to them.
    rockit, Jan 17, 2008
  20. Zebee Johnstone

    Damien Guest

    Let me guess, your boyfriend complained about your small dick again
    tonight, didn't he?
    Damien, Jan 17, 2008
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