NSW/SYD: banning colours

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. Zebee Johnstone

    corks Guest

    bet you a packet of trumps cards, your not :p
    corks, Jan 18, 2008
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  2. Zebee Johnstone

    CrazyCam Guest

    PostmanPat wrote:

    There were a couple of devices on that ad, that i'll love to get a go at

    BTW, it starts out with the thingy that was before the Z50.....

    CrazyCam, Jan 18, 2008
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  3. Zebee Johnstone

    Boxer Guest

    Of course not, Bogan's need lovin too!

    Boxer, Jan 18, 2008
  4. Zebee Johnstone

    CrazyCam Guest

    G-S wrote:

    ...and, if they are a 1%er, they will be discriminated against, but
    <shrug> that's OK.

    That's OK 'cos everyone knows they're bastards.

    It's OK 'cos they are really guilty of something, just the cops can't
    actually prove it.

    That's OK, 'cos they are really nasty folk, they pull the wings off 747s
    just for fun.


    In my limited interactions with members of the various "outlaw" groups,
    I can only say that they have always behaved perfectly civilly to me.

    Now, if there was a way of keeping the folk I don't like out of the pubs
    and hotels, I could be persuaded to go for discrimination, but picking
    out advertising executives and politicians is almost certainly too hard
    for the bouncers.

    CrazyCam, Jan 18, 2008
  5. Zebee Johnstone

    Damien Guest

    Well, for starters I know when, where and how to use an apostrophe. You
    clearly do not. :)
    Damien, Jan 18, 2008
  6. Zebee Johnstone

    Damien Guest

    Ditto in my experience also.

    The ones you can prove have done something wrong certainly deserve to
    have the book thrown at them. But the rest deserve the same rights and
    protections and liberties as the rest of us, until such time as it can
    actually be PROVEN that they have in fact - and in their own right -
    done such crimes as would warrant such a response.
    Damien, Jan 18, 2008
  7. Thank christ for that
    last thing that I would want is to have an arguement with myself

    Then again, maybe I would

    no I wouldn't, I might lose
    George W. Frost, Jan 18, 2008
  8. It's scary that I'm agreeing with you on something, but yes, I suspect
    the key knowledge gap isn't going to be who *isn't* someone on the
    banned list, I suspect it's going to be who SHOULD be refused and
    isn't going to be.


    Christ John don't start agreeing with me, others will start talking
    George W. Frost, Jan 18, 2008
  9. Zebee Johnstone

    bikerbetty Guest

    Right, quick aside here, sorry..... tl? dr?? My net-illiteracy is showing, I
    know.... same thing when Gerry says that thing that he often says, what is
    it?- g,d,r ???

    Please???? some kind soul....heeelp! I am in need of enlightenment in order
    to enjoy the total usenet experience <snigger>

    bikerbetty, Jan 18, 2008
  10. Zebee Johnstone

    Damien Guest

    Your comment is yet another example of a sadly widespread lack of
    knowledge of the history of our own language and culture. Not that it
    generally suits popular stereotypes to admit such things. After all, if
    people didn't have what they thought was a good excuse to beat up on the
    yanks, what would they do with their time then?
    Damien, Jan 18, 2008
  11. Zebee Johnstone

    Damien Guest

    I don't think such technicalities really bother him all that much, from
    the many similar comments he has made. He must really miss the "good old
    Damien, Jan 18, 2008
  12. Zebee Johnstone

    Toosmoky Guest

    At that time I had a bloke in a pub pick me for a blue. It was the
    Toosmoky, Jan 18, 2008
  13. Zebee Johnstone

    Toosmoky Guest

    Glad that someone else sees the elephant in the room...
    Toosmoky, Jan 18, 2008
  14. Zebee Johnstone

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    They can start with anyone wearing a suit and failing the 'language test'. I
    propose the language test as being "Gidday mate, how're ya doin?" If the
    response exceeds 10 words, the respondent is likely to be one of the target
    group. If the words 'opposition', 'labor', or 'liberal' are included, shoot
    the politician.

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 18, 2008
  15. Zebee Johnstone

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Damien, it is patently unfair to pick on a copper's grammatical skills in
    this ng.

    What the hell are 'trumps cards'?
    Theo Bekkers, Jan 18, 2008
  16. Zebee Johnstone

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Put me down on that side of this fence. If I find myself in a pub with
    people I find offensive (eg. Cam's politicians) I have the choice to leave
    or stay. Not the right to have them ejected.

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 18, 2008
  17. Zebee Johnstone

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    I had Betty's reaction. tl;dr? What the **** was that? GB speak?

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 18, 2008
  18. Zebee Johnstone

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Yes, I noticed some very large grey areas.

    My version of the Mickleberg saga.
    Some gold goes missing. The Mickleberg brothers look to fit the part. Two
    coppers take one of the brothers to Belmont police station for a chat. This
    is a large metro police station which is somehow empty at this time, except
    for the OIC, who appears to have been deaf, and who later enters politics
    and becomes Minister of Police. Two coppers 'question' the brother, after
    removing his clothes. Bother confesses. Brothers are convicted on police
    verbal evidence and signed confession, and spend some years in gaol. The
    signed confession was purported to be a blank piece of paper at the time of
    the signing. Writing experts later agree to this in court. Much later one of
    the two coppers confesses to the circumstances of the 'questioning', the
    'confession' and the 'evidence' given in court, then commits suicide. (The
    police decided it was suicide?) The other of the two coppers retires to a
    small pub in a town called nowhere, far from anywhere. A few passing 1%ers
    stop in for a drink, say a few words to the barmaid who is ex-coppers
    daughter. Ex-copper is offended, tells them to leave. They leave and camp
    outside town. Whilst sitting around their campfire one of them is fatally
    shot. Wasn't me, said the ex-copper in a town with a population of less than
    20 people. Police dept fails to lay any charges against anyone. Ex-copper
    goes to the horse races in Perth. Short time later a bomb explodes under his
    car. No-one has been able to figure out who did it. Local coppers and the
    shortly-to-be-ex-minister-of-police have a celebration party. This week WA
    gov't gives the remaining two brothers $1.5M. Police union compains that the
    terms does not prevent the brothers from taking further legal action against
    individual policemen involved.

    OK, I made up bit about the party, but yes, a whole room full of elephants
    in blue. If you made this shit up into a movie people would say it's too

    We have great deal of respect for, and trust in, our coppers here in the
    West. The recent news out of Vic suggests the same blue crew is running the
    place there.

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 18, 2008
  19. Zebee Johnstone

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    You've totally fugged up the attributions there mate. Must have been that
    vomiting into the wind. And apart from that we've already mentioned the Blue
    Gang several times.

    Watch that wind!

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 19, 2008
  20. Zebee Johnstone

    Damien Guest

    With all due respect, Johno...but here's a big WHOOOOSH, just for you. :)

    The particular time period was relevant on in terms of framing when the
    events occurred, and otherwise don't really matter too much to the point
    at hand.

    That point being that the much decried "Americanisms" were in fact
    originated by the ENGLISH themselves. We only see them as American today
    because the English decided to instead abandon their own reforms and
    adopt "Frenchisms" instead.

    The other point of considerable importance is that anyone who declares
    in absolute terms that someone is wrong to use "color" instead of
    "colour" (or vice versa) is simply demonstrating ignorance of the
    processes and history of language evolution. They certainly are by no
    means correct themselves, despite the bigotry on which they base their
    Damien, Jan 19, 2008
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