NSW MCC june meeting

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. Been a while since I've done one of these...

    Anyway, here's the gen from the meeting last night.

    First off, dear to everyone's heart...

    You will have noticed if you have renewed in the last year or so that
    there's a line item on your greenslip for a LCTS[1] levy. This is a
    levy on all CTP to pay for those who are catastrophically injured in
    road crashes. It's a no fault payment.

    It was sold as an average $20 hike in greenslips. Motorcycles are paying
    well over $100 in most cases, and the bod in charge of the scheme has
    said that they should pay lots because they are most likely to use it.
    (even though it is supposed to be no fault)

    The MCC is about to have another meeting with the MAA over this.
    The MCC's arguments about relativity - the relative costs actually
    incurred in the greenslip (at fault) system by bikes compared to cars -
    have been well received. Well enough that $250,000 funding has been
    approved for research into the actual costs of each road user class.
    The first time this has been done for a long time if ever. Previous ideas
    were more or less pulled from the air (or other places).

    The MCC will be putting some ideas forward at the meeting including
    lower CTP for LAM class bikes, and for factory solo seat bikes. (Not as
    yet talking about a Qld style modification system as that's costly to
    manage and police.) The solo idea should benefit many dirt bike riders
    for example.

    It is possible this may see the end of the capacity based system for
    greenslips, suggestions as to a sensible way to class vehicles especially
    bikes welcome.

    The MCC will also be proposing that the LCTS levy be a flat fee attached
    to the rego not the greenslip and be the same fee for all vehicles.

    [1] that probably isn't the right acronym. I can't recall the right
    one and don't have a greenslip handy

    Councils and road conditions

    At the moment, if a council is notified of a road hazard and they don't
    fix it they may be liable for damages but the cost of a successful action
    is horribly high and if you don't settle they'll fight hard for fear
    of precedent. So many people who are hurt by bad roads don't get far.

    The MCC is arranging with a law firm to represent a rider no win no fee
    as a test case. So a rider who has been injured due to a council's
    negligence - not filling a pothole, not managing bluemetal repairs
    properly, not doing crack sealing properly - may be able to get proper
    legal representation

    the MCC is also arranging with this firm for a set of guidelines for
    riders who have crashed and need to negotiate the compensation and
    insurance system.

    alcohol and insurance

    some insurers, (GIO and QBE were mentioned) have changed their conditions
    to say that they may not pay out your comp insurance if you had *any*
    alcohol in your system, not just if you were over the legal limit.
    They get to decide if you were impaired and if they decide you were,
    refuse to pay.

    When asked over the phone they weaseled out saying that no, that's not
    what they meant. We await confirmation of this in writing. So read your
    policy carefully and ask them to give you an interpretation in writing.

    front plates

    Apparently the campaign in 2 wheels and AMCN is paying off. Word is
    that the Federal MInister for Transport has received a huge number
    of letters about front plates and is getting rather upset about it.

    Upset because he has no power to do anything about it, it's a state issue.
    All he can do is try and exert influence. He's not ignoring it, he is
    apparently seeking information from motorcycle groups, what he's asking
    and what the result will be who knows. But don't let him off the hook!
    And write to the state transport ministers as well.

    The problem is at state level. Some states want, some don't, but the
    ones who don't have to be made to care about not wanting it.

    To this end, the MCC is considering that protests may have to be made
    and are looking for suggestions.

    The protest needs to be photogenic so it gets on the news, preferably
    with some human story or something more than evil bikies. It needs to
    inconvenience politicians but not piss off the general public. So if
    you have idea on how to pull that off, please pass them on. Perhaps
    something funny that makes the point?

    There's also a secondary point that needs to be made:that motorcycles
    need to be including in transport policy and get some of the funding
    out there for vulnerable road users. Bicycles get many hundreds of
    thousands, motorcycles get bugger all. Not thinking about bikes was
    what got the whole front plate thing going, as if they'd thought about
    them in the beginning they'd have rear cameras only.

    helmet survey

    There hasn't been a review of helmet standards since AS1698. The MCC
    has asked why someone can't wear a European or US standard helmet here
    for example.

    So a study into helmets and fit and what works has been commissioned.
    It is in 2 parts, one looking at helmets that are worn and one into
    helmets that have done their job and saved a life.

    The 1st part will be where a group of researchers will go to various
    road and dirt rider hangouts and look at helmets on heads. How comfort
    translates into safe fit. They figure that if you bought the thing it
    must be comfortable for you, so they want to see how helmet shapes and
    sizes and comfort compares to head shape and size and if the helmet can
    twist or move. They are going to look at your size and shape and measure
    the head in various ways and so on. So if you see the MCC stall bring
    your lid over and get tested.

    The 2nd part is about lids that have worked. They are looking for
    helmets that have been in crashes, that got hit, and the rider lived
    to tell the tale. They want to take the helmet to bits and inspect it
    (it will be sliced up so you won't get it back) and talk to the rider
    about the crash and injuries if any. So if you threw it away and
    headbutted something they want to talk to you. Contact via

    Motorcycle awareness

    We want to expand Motorcycle Awareness Week to the non-Sydney bits of
    NSW. See separate post.

    Zebee Johnstone, Jun 2, 2008
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  2. In aus.motorcycles on 2 Jun 2008 22:24:41 GMT

    of course.

    Zebee Johnstone, Jun 3, 2008
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