NSW MCC Feb meeting

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. Suppose I ought to write this up....

    State Government

    Due to have a meeting with the Minister and RTA in the next week or
    two. The idea is to get motorcycles added into more policy decisions.
    Any more would be better than what we have now, which is nil... It is
    an election year so we will be asking for big things.

    One of the asks will be for a regular consultation at high level. Not
    with the middle managers but with people who can really make decisions.

    Tolls are on the agenda of course! The govt says they can't charge bikes
    different tolls, it is all down to the individual operators. General
    feeling at the meeting was that unless the toll operators get a regular
    solid hit in the bottom line by processing fees for bikes whose tags
    'don't work' then nothing will change. Make it harder to toll bikes
    than to not toll bikes and we might see some action. The MCC as an
    organisation (as distinct from delegates and member clubs) currently
    has no policy on this.


    yes it is an election year. The MCC website will have a set of
    questions for pollies to answer, and paper copies will be sent to all
    candidates. We will need volunteers to chase up candidates in their
    own areas to answer the questions.

    Motorcycle Awareness Week

    Spent more on MAW this year than we have before, mainly through making
    the nude riders commercial. The interest in that's been huge - it's
    been shown on TV all over the world, mentioned in both car and bike
    mags in many countries, and generally done what it was designed to do
    which is raise awareness of bikes and riders.

    Thanks to the Democrat Senator Arthur Chesterfield-Evans the one off
    funding the govt gave us for MAW is now recurring.

    Third Party

    A while back a pillion was injured in a crash caused by a tyre
    blowout. The Motor Accidents Authority have said that crashes caused
    by mechanical failure aren't covered by the greenslip now, but would
    be by October. It isn't clear just what will be covered though.

    Help for injured riders

    Studies have shown that disabled riders (whether it is permanent or
    temporary) have a much higher instance of depression than other people
    disabled in accidents and a higher rate of suicide or attempted
    suicide. It's also apparent that many of them are not getting much
    help when they leave hospital - no information about services to help
    at home, not followup.

    Two people you make have seen at the m/c show, the ones who have been
    riding the same BMW for 40 years and have been selling a book about
    their travels are putting the money towards trying to alleviate this
    problem at St Vincents. They are hoping to find someone who knows the
    ins and outs of the hospital system who can help them to use the small
    amount of money they'll have available each year as effectively as

    Meanwhile, if you know someone who has come off and is housebound, get
    over there and take them out! To the pub or dinner or a movie. Help
    them get help, find them a cleaning service, do what you can.


    Yes, the website's a mess... We need people to read the content and
    tell us what is hard to understand or badly put together. For
    example, the section on noise Just Grew, it needs to be properly

    So volunteers to take the info and recast it are needed.

    Please, look at the site, say what's good and what's bad about it,
    what info you need and couldn't find, and help to rewrite things that
    are confusing or badly worded.

    Old road blackspot funding

    The funding has definitely been allocated for improving the sightlines,
    reasealing, widening centre markings, and rubrails on armco. All
    suggestions from the MCC's Brian Wood who is on the blackspot committee.

    Reporting hazards
    Following the article in 2 wheels, Sydney water have announced they
    will cover their plates in skid resistant material. Apparently they
    had to ask 2 Wheels where to find the Australian Standard to follow...

    A delegate said that he'd been asked at a party about skid resistant
    plates. It seems the questioner was from the bridge design team at
    the RTA and said "I guess we should know about these things".

    Bulli Pass
    There are changes proposed to the intersection at the bottom of Bulli
    Pass. The MCC is making a submission about realigning approaches to
    the proposed underpass.

    Erina Bridge

    Gosford council asked Brian Wood to have a look at the approaches to
    Erina Ck. Apparently there's been subsidence, so they wanted a
    motorcyclist to check the safety. Good on them!

    Hazard REport Forms

    Lots of these are coming into the MCC, so people are getting out there
    and reporting problems. Keep it up!

    Poor line marking

    An NRMA report found that much of the line marking is substandard -
    missing or very faded. The MCC has sent the RTA a letter reminding
    them that any new work has to be skid resistant.

    We have also been talking with Bombala council about their proposed
    ads on the road. They say they are well aware of the need to be skid
    resistant for bikes, as the general manager is a rider.


    After giving a paper at a local govt road safety conference about what
    works and what doesn't in motorcycle safety, Brian Wood was approached
    about the number of crashes on Thunderbolt's Way. Expect some activity
    in that area. Hopefully sensible road works rather than radar traps...

    That's pretty much it. If you want to volunteer for something or get
    more information, then
    iMotor Cycle Council of NSW
    Administrative Office
    15 Huddleston St
    Colyton NSW 2760

    Ph: (02) 9833 7794
    (+61-2-9833-7794 for callers outside Australia)
    Fax: (02) 9833 7795
    Zebee Johnstone, Feb 9, 2007
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