NSW MCC: Feb meeting

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Feb 3, 2004.

  1. Wow, on time for once!

    one of the major focuses[1] this year is "there's a lot of us". We have
    contacts, we are being heard in the committees and conferences, now we
    have to back that up with unmistakeable numbers.

    So there will be calls for bodies on bikes to turn up to things, and
    that's important. We have to show them that bike riders are a force,
    and an organised force. Not just a bunch of bike scum, but organised
    committed bike scum....

    We want to get positive press coverage, and show that we can get large
    numbers out when we want to. Nothing like numbers of bods on the ground
    to make a polly listen!

    We all[2] know that the EPA are booking bods who don't have labels on
    their aftermarket exhausts, and claim that the labels are so that it's
    easy to tell if a pipe is illegally loud.

    We are told that an anonymous group will be performing a public service
    by having blank labels available at bike shops soon. Probably about $5
    a pop. Riders can then fill in the appropriate data so their
    aftermarket pipes comply with the infamous clause 19. Naturally no one
    would consider putting anything but absolutely correct data there, as
    the EPA is relying on it! So be sure to label your bike, to help them

    Meanwhile, the MCC is working on the political angle, to get the
    leglislation overturned. Like all political things it will take a long
    time and a lot of horsetrading, but it's happening.

    Transit Lanes
    The State Libs are asking for comment on the use of Bus Lanes, Transit
    Lanes, and the Liverpool/Parramatta busway. the MCC has commented on
    their proposal, including recommending that motorcycles be able to use
    the busway.

    One of the big ones for this year. We are working with Sydney council,
    and will be using what we've learned there to approach other councils.
    We'll be trying to get a proposal together that includes technical
    things like slope and surface, as well as pointing how how motorcycles
    can use places cars can't, or can't use easily. And tie it in with
    tourism and congestion.

    Wire Rope
    There's been a fatality on NSW, rider cut apart by the posts of a wire
    rope fence. (Yes, it's not the wire that will kill you...). It is
    probable he was speeding, but apparently the crash scene info suggests
    he might have been forced wide by a car.

    We are trying to get as much info as possible on the danger of wire rope
    fencing. We need to know about anyone who has been hurt or killed by
    the stuff. Solid checkable information.

    Organ Donation Run

    On the 21st of Feb Girls Ride Out are organising a run to publicise the
    need for organ donors. It will start at 9am at North Sydney Oval, and
    go across the Bridge to the Town Hall. We need as many bikes as we can
    get, to really show that bikers are committed citizens. A show of hands
    at the meeting had over 90% of attendees as organ donors, the general
    population is less than 3%. Yes, we've all heard the "donorcycle" line,
    but then riding bikes shows you love life and donating means you want
    others to as well.

    For more info, see www.girlsrideout.com

    (and no, unlike a blood run you are not expected to donate at the

    Driver Training Magazine
    we've been asked to contribute - see separate posting.

    Protective Clothing

    See separate posting.

    RTA/MAA research grants
    The Group Riding brochures funded by RTA/MAA grants are now available in
    PDF format on the MCC website.

    Fatigue Study
    The people who did the fatigue study are interested in doing more work,
    but need someone to do the hard slog of organising. A good job for a
    touring club or similar, providing route and bods on the route to handle
    testing and timing.

    The results of the original study are theoretically available to
    participants, but so far we don't know how to get them. stay tuned.

    IPWEA conference
    Brian Wood of the MCC has had a paper accepted for the Institute of
    Public Works Engineers conference in May. his is one of I think 4
    papers on motorcycle issues. IPWEA are engineers who deal with public
    works like roads, bridges and so on, at Local, State, and Federal level.
    getting them looking at bikes with a positive eye is going to help a

    Austroads are a federal body made up of bods from each State and
    Territory who do roads. The Chairman is anxious that all "stakeholders"
    have input, and so the MCC (and I presume AMC) is working on what we can

    Camden Council
    Someone from the Katana club contacted the Road Safety Officer at
    Camden, who was very interested in bike safety stuff but didn't know
    where to start or what resources were available. She's now looking at a
    display for Motorcycle Awareness week and an article in the council
    newsletter. More riders need to contact their local Council Road Safety
    Officer and get them interested in motorcycle safety in their area.
    Point them at www.roadsafety.mccofnsw.org.au and help them with ideas to
    promote motorcycle safety and tourism in their area.

    Great Ocean Road
    Barwon Community Road Safety Council has produced "motorcycling on the
    GOR and in the Otway region" brochure. You can get a copy by writing to
    them at PO Box 775 South Geelong 3220 or ringing 03 5225 2513


    [1] Ok, Ok , foci.

    [2] or those who go to www.mccofnsw.org.au and read "exhausting stuff"
    Zebee Johnstone, Feb 3, 2004
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  2. Zebee Johnstone

    John Littler Guest


    And in other breaking news JL is now the NSW MCC rep on the NSW College of Road
    Safety Committee

    John Littler, Feb 6, 2004
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