NSW LAM - experiences wanted

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Sep 9, 2004.

  1. Have you got your licence (or are on L plates now) via a Learner
    Approved Motorcycle, that is an over 250?

    Do you know someone who has?

    If so, the MCC of NSW would like to hear from you. There's a review of
    the scheme soon, and we would like to have some idea of how it's working
    and the good and the bad from people who have used it to get their

    If that's you, please contact Brian Wood at
    And tell him about your experiences.

    Zebee Johnstone, Sep 9, 2004
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  2. Zebee Johnstone

    manson Guest

    I would have expected that the RTA, if they were serious about a review,
    would be able to grab the numbers of reported crashes of L and P
    platers, break the numbers into old rule/new rule, and simply decide
    from that.

    manson, Sep 9, 2004
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  3. In aus.motorcycles on Fri, 10 Sep 2004 07:23:15 +1000
    No idea.

    Besides, this isn't just about crashes reported, and it's not just about
    the RTA.

    Right now, you don't want to rely on the RTA to do the right thing.

    Zebee Johnstone, Sep 9, 2004
  4. Zebee Johnstone

    Brian Wood Guest


    Of course they will be checking the stats, but it will also be good that
    riders have the opportunity to express what it has meant to them personally.

    Safe riding,
    Brian Wood, Sep 10, 2004
  5. Thanks Zebee,

    I gave this to a mate who's just starting out on a Duke 620, he's given
    Brian a page full of info and is willing to be contacted for more info,
    hope that helps em.

    Thanks for the post!
    Jason Burton-Woods, Sep 10, 2004
  6. Zebee Johnstone

    manson Guest

    Well, it is a strange situation to ask for comments by those affected by
    the regs.

    Firstly, those folk will (probably) not have to go thru the process again.

    Secondly, how likely is it, that someone will report:"No, I crashed on
    an ZXY 650, and you shouldn't let learners have such big bikes."?

    Being serious for a moment.

    It would be extremely unlikely for the RTA to put a stop to the LAMS,
    but, OTOH, the LAMS does actually require some on-going action from the
    RTA if it is to be reasonable and sensible, since the power of the RTA
    to exclude a given model, even tho it may comply with the regulation, is
    (IMHO) esential to the scheme.

    So, my guess of what will happen is that the LAMS will stay, but on a
    pure "paper" power-output/weight basis, with no control over the
    "specials" and odd-ball super motardie things.

    The _real_ stats for crashes of P and L platers during this 2-year test
    period will only be made public if they support the LAMS.....imagine the
    outcry from a parent whose kid was killed on a LAMS bike, if the stats
    proved that it had been a bad idea?

    The PTB only ever ask for people's input if they are fairly sure that it
    will support what they intend to do anyway.

    manson, Sep 10, 2004
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