NSW: help next October

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. Yeah, I know it's GP time. Not everyone goes...

    The MCC is not funded by members, as it is an affiliate body, the
    memebrs are clubs. It is funded by doing the camping organisation for
    the car races at Bathurst.

    We need people willing to put in some time to make that money happen.

    Who can put in some days before the races marking out sites.

    Who can put in some time during the races, showing people to sites and
    sorting out difficulties.

    Who can do behind the scenes organising before the race, not even
    needing to go to Bathurst.

    If you go you get $50 a day and entry to the races if you admit to
    being interested in cars...

    We want to get people working on this well before next year's races.
    So please email Ray at to find out what's needed.

    Zebee Johnstone, Nov 4, 2008
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