NSW etags

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. Just rang the RTA, the current situation is that they will graciously
    allow us to use car etags.

    If it doesn't register on the RTz roads - Tunnel, Bridge, or Cross City,
    then they will send you a letter about 6 weeks later , and you send the
    letter back or ring them to tell them that you have a valid e-tag.

    Which, of course, they already knew, having found your rego number in
    the photo, so presumably they could call it up in the etag database and
    only call it up in the RTA database if it didn't have an etag.

    Your tax dollars at work.

    The M5 and M4 want you to use the motorcycle cards, meaning you have to
    go through the cash lanes. That's cos they say they don't recommend you
    hold it in your hand as you use the e-lane...

    However, they seem to have no trouble working out if you have an etag or
    not, and will debit you if the tag doesn't work.

    Zebee Johnstone, Dec 21, 2004
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  2. Zebee Johnstone

    Uncle Bully Guest

    Haven't they always? I rang up about a year ago and they said sure no
    problem. I've been using it ever since.
    I don't even use my tag anymore and I've never received one letter. I assume
    they match the photo with their records since my statements are still
    Uncle Bully, Dec 21, 2004
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  3. In aus.motorcycles on Tue, 21 Dec 2004 18:08:01 +1100
    Not always. THeir applictin form says no bikes, and there was a time
    they refusedto issue to bikes if you told them it was one.

    Zebee Johnstone, Dec 21, 2004
  4. Zebee Johnstone

    Yeowow Guest

    What's the physical size of the etags?

    And how safe do you actually think they are to carry in your jacket

    I ride cruisers, so the tank bag option doesn't really appeal to me that
    much, but depending on the size I might be persuaded to put it into my
    vest pocket in future.
    Yeowow, Dec 21, 2004
  5. In aus.motorcycles on Tue, 21 Dec 2004 20:09:06 +1100
    about as big as a mobile phone I think.
    As safe as it is to carry anything in them.

    Will you fall off?

    IF you do, will you fall onto the tag?

    Only you can answer those questions.

    Me, I'll probably buy it and leave it at home, let them do the work.

    Zebee Johnstone, Dec 21, 2004
  6. Zebee Johnstone

    Burnie M Guest

    What we need to find out is what is the offical policy for bikes on
    the cashless tollways ?

    If they decide (like Melbourne) that bikes are free because the
    problem is too hard AND you already have an etag with bike rego noted
    then you will be billed because your rego is already on record.

    So when will we know the offical policy (and why do we not already
    know it) ?
    Burnie M, Dec 21, 2004
  7. In aus.motorcycles on Tue, 21 Dec 2004 22:02:07 +1100
    The only stated one is "they use a car etag, or they pay the violation

    Zebee Johnstone, Dec 21, 2004
  8. Zebee Johnstone

    FuTAnT Guest

    It's about the same as having a mobile phone in your pocket really, so I
    really can't see much difference. If I fall off and straight onto my chest
    I'd be surprised ... but these things do happen of course.

    FuTAnT, Dec 21, 2004
  9. Zebee Johnstone

    mike Guest

    Am I missing something here? I have my M2 E Tag on the shoulder strap of my
    backpack (ala courier radios) and its worked like a charm since day one.
    What's the big deal here?
    mike, Dec 22, 2004
  10. In aus.motorcycles on Wed, 22 Dec 2004 11:26:32 +1100
    You aren't all people.

    It's been shown that it doesn't work for everyone. That it works for
    you is good, although to *require* you to risk shoulder injury is a bit

    And it is a risk. You might not consider it a great one, but the RTa
    shouldn't be making that decision for people.

    Etags do not work for all combinations of bike and rider.

    Zebee Johnstone, Dec 22, 2004
  11. I only go to town about twice a year. Can't they keep one lane for
    tourists (excepting Britz vans, they use the wrong side of the road)?
    Pisshead Pete, Dec 22, 2004
  12. Zebee Johnstone

    sharkey Guest

    If we give in to these demands, the Tourists have already won.

    sharkey, Dec 22, 2004
  13. Zebee Johnstone

    DaZZa Guest

    I don't think that thing Pete rides classifies as a big black dodge,

    DaZZa, Dec 23, 2004
  14. Zebee Johnstone

    mike Guest


    Do you have statistics or studies which indicate differences in the injuries
    between people wearing and not wearing backpacks? You can see from my
    previous post that I have an interest in the subject .... my (very) rough
    take would have been that it would have been something else soft(ish) to
    land on, however briefly before it shredded. But if there's some study of
    the subject I'd be interested in the results. Is there evidence that they
    flip you over of something?

    Also, just slipping on my Devil's Advocate hat here, even without the
    backpack, I can think of a number of places on my bike where the tag would
    work fine. I mainly use it on the backpack because I take it into other
    vehicles. I've seen numerous cruisers, tourers and sporties on the M2 and
    many have found reasonable spots for the tag - backpacks, handlebars,
    blinker stalks, pillion pegs and stalks, pillion seats and cowls, pillion
    grab rails and straps, elastic arm bands. I could go on, but my point is
    show me a bike and I bet I could find an easy way to mount the tag which
    works just fine. Sorry, I know that there are LOTS of things which a
    motorcyclist can and should be pissed off about, but are we allowing this
    tag thing to take our eye off other, more important, balls?

    mike, Dec 23, 2004
  15. In aus.motorcycles on Thu, 23 Dec 2004 11:52:05 +1100
    I don't know of anything, I will ask about.

    I have a vague recollection of something about hard things in backpacks
    leading to damage, but nothing concrete.
    Waterproof? Heatproof? And why should I have to faff about, why should
    I take *any* risk?

    The big point is to make them realise that motorcycles are not cars.
    Not jsut the toll companies but everyone.

    Until that happens, then bikes will aways get shafted.

    That is an important ball.

    Zebee Johnstone, Dec 23, 2004
  16. Zebee Johnstone

    manson Guest


    Hang on, Mike.

    Why you, or any other bike rider, has to do something/anything about an
    e-tag is a very important issue.

    The toll mobs want to get their pound of flesh....it's their problem.

    Not ours.

    Many toll roads world wide have just decided that motorcycles are too
    hard, and they can go free.

    That's the solution I like and favour for NSW.

    I am unenthusiastic about the bike riders who actually put effort into
    making an e-tag work, and I am certainly not interested in hearing how
    much they feel they have, in some warped way, _suceeded_. :-|

    manson, Dec 23, 2004
  17. From what I understand, the biggest problem with backpacks is the can
    stop you from sliding, ie washing off energy at a slow rate rather
    than being abruptly halted.

    Dunno whether this is just anecdotal or not ...

    Kevin Gleeson, Dec 23, 2004
  18. Zebee Johnstone

    Toosmoky Guest

    Of course not. Who'd carry concrete in their backpack?...

    Ride the Penguin...
    Toosmoky, Dec 23, 2004
  19. Zebee Johnstone

    mike Guest

    I take your point, but for me it was a simple question - do I stop at the
    pay booth and remove gloves, fish about in pocket for change etc etc while a
    cager fumes behind me, or do I take some very simple steps which allow me to
    just ride through the e-tag booths.

    It was a simple solution to a simple question. As for putting effort into
    making the etag work, a small plastic bag and two rubber bands is not much

    mike, Dec 23, 2004
  20. Zebee Johnstone

    mike Guest


    Its worked twice a day, every working day since they were introduced, all
    weather, no problems, no inconvenience, no effort. In fact I would say it
    was LESS hassle to mount the etag to my backpack than it was to put the
    other one in the wife's car, although of course a time and motion study
    would be required to corroborate this anecdotal evidence :)

    mike, Dec 23, 2004
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