CTP set to rise.... [URL]http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/costs-driving-motorbikes-riders-off-the-road/story-e6frezz0-1225884438014[/URL] (give 'em lots of clicks to that story, they count these things) I did a test - my innerish metro Sydney 1200 could cost me 0 to register in October. 0 3rd party. OK it's not a light bike but it's not as if bikes are *making* 3rd party claims. The MCC is discussing the problem. Which reminds me: Mondays are hard for me, aus.moto needs a rep at the MCC meetings. You need to be someone who can make Monday night once a month in Gladesville, be interested in motorcycle safety and other motorcycle issues, be willing to report to aus.moto and take concerns back to the MCC, and preferably be willing to get involved in the work the MCC is doing. Zebee