NSW: change to licencing

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, May 17, 2009.

  1. Zebee Johnstone

    theo Guest

    Not sure what happens outside WA but here they stopped making
    individual stickers for vehicles many years ago. There is no
    identifiable difference between any of the 40,000 stickers that expire
    this month, no serial number, no rego number, nothing.

    theo, May 19, 2009
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  2. Zebee Johnstone

    F Murtz Guest

    We would not remove stickers as it removes some fineable offenses (not
    display,display two etc)
    F Murtz, May 19, 2009
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  3. Zebee Johnstone

    theo Guest

    Well, yes, we obviously also have those rules. I do have an
    expectation that when they no longer issue stickers it will no longer
    be an offence to not have one displayed. They're not the EPA.

    theo, May 19, 2009
  4. Zebee Johnstone

    F Murtz Guest

    I was just giving a reason why nsw will not follow wa. they wont want to
    forgo a method of stealing money from us
    F Murtz, May 19, 2009
  5. Zebee Johnstone

    x.x Guest

    Impersination is the greatest form of flatery

    Win 4 me, fail 4 u
    x.x, May 19, 2009
  6. Zebee Johnstone

    Nigel Allen Guest

    Your grasp of the English language Sirrah, is only equalled by your
    charm, wit and knowledge of motorcycling.

    Nigel Allen, May 19, 2009
  7. Zebee Johnstone

    x.x Guest

    Feel free 2 talk bout bikes u just seem 2 wanna gripe bout moi typing
    x.x, May 19, 2009
  8. Zebee Johnstone

    alx Guest

    I generally disregard anyone that has a history of hanging out in
    groups that include words such as:-
    "disorder", "mental health", "psychiatry" and "personality"

    ...oh, and "bicycle".
    alx, May 20, 2009
  9. Zebee Johnstone

    Diogenes Guest

    I wouldn't join a group that would have me as a member...


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, May 20, 2009
  10. Zebee Johnstone

    alx Guest

    The RTA has already updated the website to reflect the new
    requirements (that don't kick in until 1 June 2009...but try and find
    that date listed anywhere sensible).

    Confusion already appears to reign at your fiendly local RTA counter
    (please take a ticket - Press 1 for Confusion..2 for

    If anyone needs the previous wording it can be found here:-

    Due to Chinese Whispers and such, there is some confusion/
    misinformation across all forums and even Rider Training sites as to
    the old (ie soon to be defunct) criteria for Mature Aged Riders. The
    most oft repeated is holding or being eligible to hold a Gold
    Licence..this is not the full story.....

    "If you are aged 30 years or over and have held an Australian or New
    Zealand unrestricted driver licence for the last five years with no
    cancellations, disqualifications or lapses of more than six months
    between renewals, you may proceed directly from a learner rider
    licence to an unrestricted licence. However, you are still required to
    successfully complete the pre-learner and pre-provisional courses."

    and the one remaining restriction is no pillion for 12 months..but
    otherwise a full Rider licence.
    alx, May 20, 2009
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