NRA Houston

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by another viewer, Apr 17, 2005.

  1. missed Steve Rothstein, unfortunately. Good, free motorcycle parking
    right in front of the George R. Brown Convention Center and it was fully
    lined up with nice machinery. Kawasaki had a display inside that was
    mainly ATVs but they did have their 2000cc cruiser in the display area.
    Got lots of nice comments on the old /5 and had a long chat with some
    old guy who had ridden down from NW Arkansas for the convention on his
    Roadstar, but was now lost because he didn't remember where he had
    parked it. Dude, this is the big city, you've got to pay attention to
    that kind of thing!

    With the mandatory mc content taken care of, all i can say is:
    guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, reloaders, guns, guns, guns, knives, guns,
    guns, guns, old guns, new guns, guns guns guns...well you get the idea.

    todays highlights for me:

    two operational gatling guns owned by someone out in Kerrville. Really
    brilliantly designed machines to see up close and study the operation. 6
    inch pattern at 300 yards and obviously mechanically very reliable once
    you saw the mechanism.

    nice booth with all kinds of artifacts from Custer/Little Big Horn

    several companies nice laser targeting optics for my AR as well as other
    weapons. i could have dropped some serious coin in a hurry. one
    company offers infrared laser for nite scope use, said they were being
    field used in the mideast with great success.

    how about $3,000.00 for a competition pellet rifle? gorgeous piece of
    machinery, infinitely adjustable to fit the shooter.

    very nice hydraulically driven automated shotgun shell reloader, ca'tn
    justify it, but it was sweet.

    "Gunny" from whatever that tv show on militaria he does on the
    Discovery/History channel was there signing autographs.

    a Chevey Avalanche 4X4 with all the plastic parts inside and out done up
    in a pretty nice camoflage pattern was on display and for sale;
    $52,000.00. i'll pass.

    Some nice leather working booths were there too, western gunbelts and
    such with nice tooling. i need to go back and see what they have in
    more detail.

    Tom Delay was the keynote speaker tonight and there was a sizable
    demonstration against him going on when I left. didn't see any anti-gun

    Probably go back again tomorrow and see if there aren't some end of show
    deals to be had. I know i'm leaving out a lot and maybe if Steve made
    it and chimes in with his impressions we can compare notes.
    another viewer, Apr 17, 2005
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  2. shoulda ducked in, great entertainment for a saturday afternoon.
    it's open again tomorrow.
    another viewer, Apr 17, 2005
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